Source code for

# functions common among cars
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import IntFlag, ReprEnum, EnumType
from dataclasses import replace

import capnp

from cereal import car
from openpilot.common.numpy_fast import clip, interp
from openpilot.common.utils import Freezable
from import CarDocs

# kg of standard extra cargo to count for drive, gas, etc...

ButtonType = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.Type
EventName = car.CarEvent.EventName
AngleRateLimit = namedtuple('AngleRateLimit', ['speed_bp', 'angle_v'])

[docs] def apply_hysteresis(val: float, val_steady: float, hyst_gap: float) -> float: if val > val_steady + hyst_gap: val_steady = val - hyst_gap elif val < val_steady - hyst_gap: val_steady = val + hyst_gap return val_steady
[docs] def create_button_events(cur_btn: int, prev_btn: int, buttons_dict: dict[int, capnp.lib.capnp._EnumModule], unpressed_btn: int = 0) -> list[capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructBuilder]: events: list[capnp.lib.capnp._DynamicStructBuilder] = [] if cur_btn == prev_btn: return events # Add events for button presses, multiple when a button switches without going to unpressed for pressed, btn in ((False, prev_btn), (True, cur_btn)): if btn != unpressed_btn: events.append(car.CarState.ButtonEvent(pressed=pressed, type=buttons_dict.get(btn, ButtonType.unknown))) return events
[docs] def gen_empty_fingerprint(): return {i: {} for i in range(8)}
# these params were derived for the Civic and used to calculate params for other cars
# TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for # civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
[docs] def scale_rot_inertia(mass, wheelbase): return VehicleDynamicsParams.ROTATIONAL_INERTIA * mass * wheelbase ** 2 / (VehicleDynamicsParams.MASS * VehicleDynamicsParams.WHEELBASE ** 2)
# TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by # mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
[docs] def scale_tire_stiffness(mass, wheelbase, center_to_front, tire_stiffness_factor): center_to_rear = wheelbase - center_to_front tire_stiffness_front = (VehicleDynamicsParams.TIRE_STIFFNESS_FRONT * tire_stiffness_factor) * mass / VehicleDynamicsParams.MASS * \ (center_to_rear / wheelbase) / (VehicleDynamicsParams.CENTER_TO_REAR / VehicleDynamicsParams.WHEELBASE) tire_stiffness_rear = (VehicleDynamicsParams.TIRE_STIFFNESS_REAR * tire_stiffness_factor) * mass / VehicleDynamicsParams.MASS * \ (center_to_front / wheelbase) / (VehicleDynamicsParams.CENTER_TO_FRONT / VehicleDynamicsParams.WHEELBASE) return tire_stiffness_front, tire_stiffness_rear
DbcDict = dict[str, str]
[docs] def dbc_dict(pt_dbc, radar_dbc, chassis_dbc=None, body_dbc=None) -> DbcDict: return {'pt': pt_dbc, 'radar': radar_dbc, 'chassis': chassis_dbc, 'body': body_dbc}
[docs] def apply_driver_steer_torque_limits(apply_torque, apply_torque_last, driver_torque, LIMITS): # limits due to driver torque driver_max_torque = LIMITS.STEER_MAX + (LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_ALLOWANCE + driver_torque * LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_FACTOR) * LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_MULTIPLIER driver_min_torque = -LIMITS.STEER_MAX + (-LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_ALLOWANCE + driver_torque * LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_FACTOR) * LIMITS.STEER_DRIVER_MULTIPLIER max_steer_allowed = max(min(LIMITS.STEER_MAX, driver_max_torque), 0) min_steer_allowed = min(max(-LIMITS.STEER_MAX, driver_min_torque), 0) apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, min_steer_allowed, max_steer_allowed) # slow rate if steer torque increases in magnitude if apply_torque_last > 0: apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, max(apply_torque_last - LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_DOWN, -LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP), apply_torque_last + LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP) else: apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, apply_torque_last - LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP, min(apply_torque_last + LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_DOWN, LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP)) return int(round(float(apply_torque)))
[docs] def apply_dist_to_meas_limits(val, val_last, val_meas, STEER_DELTA_UP, STEER_DELTA_DOWN, STEER_ERROR_MAX, STEER_MAX): # limits due to comparison of commanded val VS measured val (torque/angle/curvature) max_lim = min(max(val_meas + STEER_ERROR_MAX, STEER_ERROR_MAX), STEER_MAX) min_lim = max(min(val_meas - STEER_ERROR_MAX, -STEER_ERROR_MAX), -STEER_MAX) val = clip(val, min_lim, max_lim) # slow rate if val increases in magnitude if val_last > 0: val = clip(val, max(val_last - STEER_DELTA_DOWN, -STEER_DELTA_UP), val_last + STEER_DELTA_UP) else: val = clip(val, val_last - STEER_DELTA_UP, min(val_last + STEER_DELTA_DOWN, STEER_DELTA_UP)) return float(val)
[docs] def apply_meas_steer_torque_limits(apply_torque, apply_torque_last, motor_torque, LIMITS): return int(round(apply_dist_to_meas_limits(apply_torque, apply_torque_last, motor_torque, LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP, LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_DOWN, LIMITS.STEER_ERROR_MAX, LIMITS.STEER_MAX)))
[docs] def apply_std_steer_angle_limits(apply_angle, apply_angle_last, v_ego, LIMITS): # pick angle rate limits based on wind up/down steer_up = apply_angle_last * apply_angle >= 0. and abs(apply_angle) > abs(apply_angle_last) rate_limits = LIMITS.ANGLE_RATE_LIMIT_UP if steer_up else LIMITS.ANGLE_RATE_LIMIT_DOWN angle_rate_lim = interp(v_ego, rate_limits.speed_bp, rate_limits.angle_v) return clip(apply_angle, apply_angle_last - angle_rate_lim, apply_angle_last + angle_rate_lim)
[docs] def common_fault_avoidance(fault_condition: bool, request: bool, above_limit_frames: int, max_above_limit_frames: int, max_mismatching_frames: int = 1): """ Several cars have the ability to work around their EPS limits by cutting the request bit of their LKAS message after a certain number of frames above the limit. """ # Count up to max_above_limit_frames, at which point we need to cut the request for above_limit_frames to avoid a fault if request and fault_condition: above_limit_frames += 1 else: above_limit_frames = 0 # Once we cut the request bit, count additionally to max_mismatching_frames before setting the request bit high again. # Some brands do not respect our workaround without multiple messages on the bus, for example if above_limit_frames > max_above_limit_frames: request = False if above_limit_frames >= max_above_limit_frames + max_mismatching_frames: above_limit_frames = 0 return above_limit_frames, request
[docs] def make_can_msg(addr, dat, bus): return [addr, 0, dat, bus]
[docs] def get_safety_config(safety_model, safety_param = None): ret = car.CarParams.SafetyConfig.new_message() ret.safetyModel = safety_model if safety_param is not None: ret.safetyParam = safety_param return ret
[docs] class CanBusBase: offset: int def __init__(self, CP, fingerprint: dict[int, dict[int, int]] | None) -> None: if CP is None: assert fingerprint is not None num = max([k for k, v in fingerprint.items() if len(v)], default=0) // 4 + 1 else: num = len(CP.safetyConfigs) self.offset = 4 * (num - 1)
[docs] class CanSignalRateCalculator: """ Calculates the instantaneous rate of a CAN signal by using the counter variable and the known frequency of the CAN message that contains it. """ def __init__(self, frequency): self.frequency = frequency self.previous_counter = 0 self.previous_value = 0 self.rate = 0
[docs] def update(self, current_value, current_counter): if current_counter != self.previous_counter: self.rate = (current_value - self.previous_value) * self.frequency self.previous_counter = current_counter self.previous_value = current_value return self.rate
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, kw_only=True) class CarSpecs: mass: float # kg, curb weight wheelbase: float # meters steerRatio: float centerToFrontRatio: float = 0.5 minSteerSpeed: float = 0.0 # m/s minEnableSpeed: float = -1.0 # m/s tireStiffnessFactor: float = 1.0
[docs] def override(self, **kwargs): return replace(self, **kwargs)
[docs] @dataclass(order=True) class PlatformConfig(Freezable): car_docs: list[CarDocs] specs: CarSpecs dbc_dict: DbcDict flags: int = 0 platform_str: str | None = None def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.platform_str)
[docs] def override(self, **kwargs): return replace(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def init(self): pass
def __post_init__(self): self.init()
[docs] class PlatformsType(EnumType): def __new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict, *, boundary=None, _simple=False, **kwds): for key in classdict._member_names.keys(): cfg: PlatformConfig = classdict[key] cfg.platform_str = key cfg.freeze() return super().__new__(metacls, cls, bases, classdict, boundary=boundary, _simple=_simple, **kwds)
[docs] class Platforms(str, ReprEnum, metaclass=PlatformsType): config: PlatformConfig def __new__(cls, platform_config: PlatformConfig): member = str.__new__(cls, platform_config.platform_str) member.config = platform_config member._value_ = platform_config.platform_str return member def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}.{}>"
[docs] @classmethod def create_dbc_map(cls) -> dict[str, DbcDict]: return {p: p.config.dbc_dict for p in cls}
[docs] @classmethod def with_flags(cls, flags: IntFlag) -> set['Platforms']: return {p for p in cls if p.config.flags & flags}
[docs] @classmethod def without_flags(cls, flags: IntFlag) -> set['Platforms']: return {p for p in cls if not (p.config.flags & flags)}
[docs] @classmethod def print_debug(cls, flags): platforms_with_flag = defaultdict(list) for flag in flags: for platform in cls: if platform.config.flags & flag: assert is not None platforms_with_flag[].append(platform) for flag, platforms in platforms_with_flag.items(): print(f"{flag:32s}: {', '.join( for p in platforms)}")