Source code for selfdrive.controls.lib.longcontrol

from cereal import car
from openpilot.common.numpy_fast import clip, interp
from openpilot.common.realtime import DT_CTRL
from openpilot.selfdrive.controls.lib.drive_helpers import CONTROL_N, apply_deadzone
from import PIDController
from openpilot.selfdrive.modeld.constants import ModelConstants

LongCtrlState = car.CarControl.Actuators.LongControlState

[docs] def long_control_state_trans(CP, active, long_control_state, v_ego, v_target, v_target_1sec, brake_pressed, cruise_standstill): accelerating = v_target_1sec > v_target planned_stop = (v_target < CP.vEgoStopping and v_target_1sec < CP.vEgoStopping and not accelerating) stay_stopped = (v_ego < CP.vEgoStopping and (brake_pressed or cruise_standstill)) stopping_condition = planned_stop or stay_stopped starting_condition = (v_target_1sec > CP.vEgoStarting and accelerating and not cruise_standstill and not brake_pressed) started_condition = v_ego > CP.vEgoStarting if not active: long_control_state = else: if long_control_state in (, long_control_state = if stopping_condition: long_control_state = LongCtrlState.stopping elif long_control_state == LongCtrlState.stopping: if starting_condition and CP.startingState: long_control_state = LongCtrlState.starting elif starting_condition: long_control_state = elif long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting: if stopping_condition: long_control_state = LongCtrlState.stopping elif started_condition: long_control_state = return long_control_state
[docs] class LongControl: def __init__(self, CP): self.CP = CP self.long_control_state = # initialized to off = PIDController((CP.longitudinalTuning.kpBP, CP.longitudinalTuning.kpV), (CP.longitudinalTuning.kiBP, CP.longitudinalTuning.kiV), k_f=CP.longitudinalTuning.kf, rate=1 / DT_CTRL) self.v_pid = 0.0 self.last_output_accel = 0.0
[docs] def reset(self, v_pid): """Reset PID controller and change setpoint""" self.v_pid = v_pid
[docs] def update(self, active, CS, long_plan, accel_limits, t_since_plan): """Update longitudinal control. This updates the state machine and runs a PID loop""" # Interp control trajectory speeds = long_plan.speeds if len(speeds) == CONTROL_N: v_target_now = interp(t_since_plan, ModelConstants.T_IDXS[:CONTROL_N], speeds) a_target_now = interp(t_since_plan, ModelConstants.T_IDXS[:CONTROL_N], long_plan.accels) v_target_lower = interp(self.CP.longitudinalActuatorDelayLowerBound + t_since_plan, ModelConstants.T_IDXS[:CONTROL_N], speeds) a_target_lower = 2 * (v_target_lower - v_target_now) / self.CP.longitudinalActuatorDelayLowerBound - a_target_now v_target_upper = interp(self.CP.longitudinalActuatorDelayUpperBound + t_since_plan, ModelConstants.T_IDXS[:CONTROL_N], speeds) a_target_upper = 2 * (v_target_upper - v_target_now) / self.CP.longitudinalActuatorDelayUpperBound - a_target_now v_target = min(v_target_lower, v_target_upper) a_target = min(a_target_lower, a_target_upper) v_target_1sec = interp(self.CP.longitudinalActuatorDelayUpperBound + t_since_plan + 1.0, ModelConstants.T_IDXS[:CONTROL_N], speeds) else: v_target = 0.0 v_target_now = 0.0 v_target_1sec = 0.0 a_target = 0.0 = accel_limits[0] = accel_limits[1] output_accel = self.last_output_accel self.long_control_state = long_control_state_trans(self.CP, active, self.long_control_state, CS.vEgo, v_target, v_target_1sec, CS.brakePressed, CS.cruiseState.standstill) if self.long_control_state == self.reset(CS.vEgo) output_accel = 0. elif self.long_control_state == LongCtrlState.stopping: if output_accel > self.CP.stopAccel: output_accel = min(output_accel, 0.0) output_accel -= self.CP.stoppingDecelRate * DT_CTRL self.reset(CS.vEgo) elif self.long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting: output_accel = self.CP.startAccel self.reset(CS.vEgo) elif self.long_control_state == self.v_pid = v_target_now # Toyota starts braking more when it thinks you want to stop # Freeze the integrator so we don't accelerate to compensate, and don't allow positive acceleration # TODO too complex, needs to be simplified and tested on toyotas prevent_overshoot = not self.CP.stoppingControl and CS.vEgo < 1.5 and v_target_1sec < 0.7 and v_target_1sec < self.v_pid deadzone = interp(CS.vEgo, self.CP.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP, self.CP.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV) freeze_integrator = prevent_overshoot error = self.v_pid - CS.vEgo error_deadzone = apply_deadzone(error, deadzone) output_accel =, speed=CS.vEgo, feedforward=a_target, freeze_integrator=freeze_integrator) self.last_output_accel = clip(output_accel, accel_limits[0], accel_limits[1]) return self.last_output_accel