Source code for selfdrive.controls.lib.longitudinal_mpc_lib.long_mpc

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
import numpy as np
from cereal import log
from openpilot.common.numpy_fast import clip
from openpilot.common.swaglog import cloudlog
# WARNING: imports outside of constants will not trigger a rebuild
from openpilot.selfdrive.modeld.constants import index_function
from import ACCEL_MIN
from openpilot.selfdrive.controls.radard import _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU

if __name__ == '__main__':  # generating code
  from openpilot.third_party.acados.acados_template import AcadosModel, AcadosOcp, AcadosOcpSolver
  from openpilot.selfdrive.controls.lib.longitudinal_mpc_lib.c_generated_code.acados_ocp_solver_pyx import AcadosOcpSolverCython

from casadi import SX, vertcat

MODEL_NAME = 'long'
LONG_MPC_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
EXPORT_DIR = os.path.join(LONG_MPC_DIR, "c_generated_code")
JSON_FILE = os.path.join(LONG_MPC_DIR, "acados_ocp_long.json")

SOURCES = ['lead0', 'lead1', 'cruise', 'e2e']

X_DIM = 3
U_DIM = 1

J_EGO_COST = 5.0

# Fewer timestamps don't hurt performance and lead to
# much better convergence of the MPC with low iterations
N = 12
MAX_T = 10.0
T_IDXS_LST = [index_function(idx, max_val=MAX_T, max_idx=N) for idx in range(N+1)]

T_IDXS = np.array(T_IDXS_LST)
T_DIFFS = np.diff(T_IDXS, prepend=[0.])

[docs] def get_jerk_factor(personality=log.LongitudinalPersonality.standard): if personality==log.LongitudinalPersonality.relaxed: return 1.0 elif personality==log.LongitudinalPersonality.standard: return 1.0 elif personality==log.LongitudinalPersonality.aggressive: return 0.5 else: raise NotImplementedError("Longitudinal personality not supported")
[docs] def get_T_FOLLOW(personality=log.LongitudinalPersonality.standard): if personality==log.LongitudinalPersonality.relaxed: return 1.75 elif personality==log.LongitudinalPersonality.standard: return 1.45 elif personality==log.LongitudinalPersonality.aggressive: return 1.25 else: raise NotImplementedError("Longitudinal personality not supported")
[docs] def get_stopped_equivalence_factor(v_lead): return (v_lead**2) / (2 * COMFORT_BRAKE)
[docs] def get_safe_obstacle_distance(v_ego, t_follow): return (v_ego**2) / (2 * COMFORT_BRAKE) + t_follow * v_ego + STOP_DISTANCE
[docs] def desired_follow_distance(v_ego, v_lead, t_follow=None): if t_follow is None: t_follow = get_T_FOLLOW() return get_safe_obstacle_distance(v_ego, t_follow) - get_stopped_equivalence_factor(v_lead)
[docs] def gen_long_model(): model = AcadosModel() = MODEL_NAME # set up states & controls x_ego = SX.sym('x_ego') v_ego = SX.sym('v_ego') a_ego = SX.sym('a_ego') model.x = vertcat(x_ego, v_ego, a_ego) # controls j_ego = SX.sym('j_ego') model.u = vertcat(j_ego) # xdot x_ego_dot = SX.sym('x_ego_dot') v_ego_dot = SX.sym('v_ego_dot') a_ego_dot = SX.sym('a_ego_dot') model.xdot = vertcat(x_ego_dot, v_ego_dot, a_ego_dot) # live parameters a_min = SX.sym('a_min') a_max = SX.sym('a_max') x_obstacle = SX.sym('x_obstacle') prev_a = SX.sym('prev_a') lead_t_follow = SX.sym('lead_t_follow') lead_danger_factor = SX.sym('lead_danger_factor') model.p = vertcat(a_min, a_max, x_obstacle, prev_a, lead_t_follow, lead_danger_factor) # dynamics model f_expl = vertcat(v_ego, a_ego, j_ego) model.f_impl_expr = model.xdot - f_expl model.f_expl_expr = f_expl return model
[docs] def gen_long_ocp(): ocp = AcadosOcp() ocp.model = gen_long_model() Tf = T_IDXS[-1] # set dimensions ocp.dims.N = N # set cost module ocp.cost.cost_type = 'NONLINEAR_LS' ocp.cost.cost_type_e = 'NONLINEAR_LS' QR = np.zeros((COST_DIM, COST_DIM)) Q = np.zeros((COST_E_DIM, COST_E_DIM)) ocp.cost.W = QR ocp.cost.W_e = Q x_ego, v_ego, a_ego = ocp.model.x[0], ocp.model.x[1], ocp.model.x[2] j_ego = ocp.model.u[0] a_min, a_max = ocp.model.p[0], ocp.model.p[1] x_obstacle = ocp.model.p[2] prev_a = ocp.model.p[3] lead_t_follow = ocp.model.p[4] lead_danger_factor = ocp.model.p[5] ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros((COST_DIM, )) ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros((COST_E_DIM, )) desired_dist_comfort = get_safe_obstacle_distance(v_ego, lead_t_follow) # The main cost in normal operation is how close you are to the "desired" distance # from an obstacle at every timestep. This obstacle can be a lead car # or other object. In e2e mode we can use x_position targets as a cost # instead. costs = [((x_obstacle - x_ego) - (desired_dist_comfort)) / (v_ego + 10.), x_ego, v_ego, a_ego, a_ego - prev_a, j_ego] ocp.model.cost_y_expr = vertcat(*costs) ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = vertcat(*costs[:-1]) # Constraints on speed, acceleration and desired distance to # the obstacle, which is treated as a slack constraint so it # behaves like an asymmetrical cost. constraints = vertcat(v_ego, (a_ego - a_min), (a_max - a_ego), ((x_obstacle - x_ego) - lead_danger_factor * (desired_dist_comfort)) / (v_ego + 10.)) ocp.model.con_h_expr = constraints x0 = np.zeros(X_DIM) ocp.constraints.x0 = x0 ocp.parameter_values = np.array([-1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0, get_T_FOLLOW(), LEAD_DANGER_FACTOR]) # We put all constraint cost weights to 0 and only set them at runtime cost_weights = np.zeros(CONSTR_DIM) ocp.cost.zl = cost_weights ocp.cost.Zl = cost_weights ocp.cost.Zu = cost_weights ocp.cost.zu = cost_weights ocp.constraints.lh = np.zeros(CONSTR_DIM) ocp.constraints.uh = 1e4*np.ones(CONSTR_DIM) ocp.constraints.idxsh = np.arange(CONSTR_DIM) # The HPIPM solver can give decent solutions even when it is stopped early # Which is critical for our purpose where compute time is strictly bounded # We use HPIPM in the SPEED_ABS mode, which ensures fastest runtime. This # does not cause issues since the problem is well bounded. ocp.solver_options.qp_solver = 'PARTIAL_CONDENSING_HPIPM' ocp.solver_options.hessian_approx = 'GAUSS_NEWTON' ocp.solver_options.integrator_type = 'ERK' ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_type = ACADOS_SOLVER_TYPE ocp.solver_options.qp_solver_cond_N = 1 # More iterations take too much time and less lead to inaccurate convergence in # some situations. Ideally we would run just 1 iteration to ensure fixed runtime. ocp.solver_options.qp_solver_iter_max = 10 ocp.solver_options.qp_tol = 1e-3 # set prediction horizon = Tf ocp.solver_options.shooting_nodes = T_IDXS ocp.code_export_directory = EXPORT_DIR return ocp
[docs] class LongitudinalMpc: def __init__(self, mode='acc'): self.mode = mode self.solver = AcadosOcpSolverCython(MODEL_NAME, ACADOS_SOLVER_TYPE, N) self.reset() self.source = SOURCES[2]
[docs] def reset(self): # self.solver = AcadosOcpSolverCython(MODEL_NAME, ACADOS_SOLVER_TYPE, N) self.solver.reset() # self.solver.options_set('print_level', 2) self.v_solution = np.zeros(N+1) self.a_solution = np.zeros(N+1) self.prev_a = np.array(self.a_solution) self.j_solution = np.zeros(N) self.yref = np.zeros((N+1, COST_DIM)) for i in range(N): self.solver.cost_set(i, "yref", self.yref[i]) self.solver.cost_set(N, "yref", self.yref[N][:COST_E_DIM]) self.x_sol = np.zeros((N+1, X_DIM)) self.u_sol = np.zeros((N,1)) self.params = np.zeros((N+1, PARAM_DIM)) for i in range(N+1): self.solver.set(i, 'x', np.zeros(X_DIM)) self.last_cloudlog_t = 0 self.status = False self.crash_cnt = 0.0 self.solution_status = 0 # timers self.solve_time = 0.0 self.time_qp_solution = 0.0 self.time_linearization = 0.0 self.time_integrator = 0.0 self.x0 = np.zeros(X_DIM) self.set_weights()
[docs] def set_cost_weights(self, cost_weights, constraint_cost_weights): W = np.asfortranarray(np.diag(cost_weights)) for i in range(N): # TODO don't hardcode A_CHANGE_COST idx # reduce the cost on (a-a_prev) later in the horizon. W[4,4] = cost_weights[4] * np.interp(T_IDXS[i], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) self.solver.cost_set(i, 'W', W) # Setting the slice without the copy make the array not contiguous, # causing issues with the C interface. self.solver.cost_set(N, 'W', np.copy(W[:COST_E_DIM, :COST_E_DIM])) # Set L2 slack cost on lower bound constraints Zl = np.array(constraint_cost_weights) for i in range(N): self.solver.cost_set(i, 'Zl', Zl)
[docs] def set_weights(self, prev_accel_constraint=True, personality=log.LongitudinalPersonality.standard): jerk_factor = get_jerk_factor(personality) if self.mode == 'acc': a_change_cost = A_CHANGE_COST if prev_accel_constraint else 0 cost_weights = [X_EGO_OBSTACLE_COST, X_EGO_COST, V_EGO_COST, A_EGO_COST, jerk_factor * a_change_cost, jerk_factor * J_EGO_COST] constraint_cost_weights = [LIMIT_COST, LIMIT_COST, LIMIT_COST, DANGER_ZONE_COST] elif self.mode == 'blended': a_change_cost = 40.0 if prev_accel_constraint else 0 cost_weights = [0., 0.1, 0.2, 5.0, a_change_cost, 1.0] constraint_cost_weights = [LIMIT_COST, LIMIT_COST, LIMIT_COST, 50.0] else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Planner mode {self.mode} not recognized in planner cost set') self.set_cost_weights(cost_weights, constraint_cost_weights)
[docs] def set_cur_state(self, v, a): v_prev = self.x0[1] self.x0[1] = v self.x0[2] = a if abs(v_prev - v) > 2.: # probably only helps if v < v_prev for i in range(N+1): self.solver.set(i, 'x', self.x0)
[docs] @staticmethod def extrapolate_lead(x_lead, v_lead, a_lead, a_lead_tau): a_lead_traj = a_lead * np.exp(-a_lead_tau * (T_IDXS**2)/2.) v_lead_traj = np.clip(v_lead + np.cumsum(T_DIFFS * a_lead_traj), 0.0, 1e8) x_lead_traj = x_lead + np.cumsum(T_DIFFS * v_lead_traj) lead_xv = np.column_stack((x_lead_traj, v_lead_traj)) return lead_xv
[docs] def process_lead(self, lead): v_ego = self.x0[1] if lead is not None and lead.status: x_lead = lead.dRel v_lead = lead.vLead a_lead = lead.aLeadK a_lead_tau = lead.aLeadTau else: # Fake a fast lead car, so mpc can keep running in the same mode x_lead = 50.0 v_lead = v_ego + 10.0 a_lead = 0.0 a_lead_tau = _LEAD_ACCEL_TAU # MPC will not converge if immediate crash is expected # Clip lead distance to what is still possible to brake for min_x_lead = ((v_ego + v_lead)/2) * (v_ego - v_lead) / (-ACCEL_MIN * 2) x_lead = clip(x_lead, min_x_lead, 1e8) v_lead = clip(v_lead, 0.0, 1e8) a_lead = clip(a_lead, -10., 5.) lead_xv = self.extrapolate_lead(x_lead, v_lead, a_lead, a_lead_tau) return lead_xv
[docs] def set_accel_limits(self, min_a, max_a): # TODO this sets a max accel limit, but the minimum limit is only for cruise decel # needs refactor self.cruise_min_a = min_a self.max_a = max_a
[docs] def update(self, radarstate, v_cruise, x, v, a, j, personality=log.LongitudinalPersonality.standard): t_follow = get_T_FOLLOW(personality) v_ego = self.x0[1] self.status = radarstate.leadOne.status or radarstate.leadTwo.status lead_xv_0 = self.process_lead(radarstate.leadOne) lead_xv_1 = self.process_lead(radarstate.leadTwo) # To estimate a safe distance from a moving lead, we calculate how much stopping # distance that lead needs as a minimum. We can add that to the current distance # and then treat that as a stopped car/obstacle at this new distance. lead_0_obstacle = lead_xv_0[:,0] + get_stopped_equivalence_factor(lead_xv_0[:,1]) lead_1_obstacle = lead_xv_1[:,0] + get_stopped_equivalence_factor(lead_xv_1[:,1]) self.params[:,0] = ACCEL_MIN self.params[:,1] = self.max_a # Update in ACC mode or ACC/e2e blend if self.mode == 'acc': self.params[:,5] = LEAD_DANGER_FACTOR # Fake an obstacle for cruise, this ensures smooth acceleration to set speed # when the leads are no factor. v_lower = v_ego + (T_IDXS * self.cruise_min_a * 1.05) v_upper = v_ego + (T_IDXS * self.max_a * 1.05) v_cruise_clipped = np.clip(v_cruise * np.ones(N+1), v_lower, v_upper) cruise_obstacle = np.cumsum(T_DIFFS * v_cruise_clipped) + get_safe_obstacle_distance(v_cruise_clipped, t_follow) x_obstacles = np.column_stack([lead_0_obstacle, lead_1_obstacle, cruise_obstacle]) self.source = SOURCES[np.argmin(x_obstacles[0])] # These are not used in ACC mode x[:], v[:], a[:], j[:] = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 elif self.mode == 'blended': self.params[:,5] = 1.0 x_obstacles = np.column_stack([lead_0_obstacle, lead_1_obstacle]) cruise_target = T_IDXS * np.clip(v_cruise, v_ego - 2.0, 1e3) + x[0] xforward = ((v[1:] + v[:-1]) / 2) * (T_IDXS[1:] - T_IDXS[:-1]) x = np.cumsum(np.insert(xforward, 0, x[0])) x_and_cruise = np.column_stack([x, cruise_target]) x = np.min(x_and_cruise, axis=1) self.source = 'e2e' if x_and_cruise[1,0] < x_and_cruise[1,1] else 'cruise' else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Planner mode {self.mode} not recognized in planner update') self.yref[:,1] = x self.yref[:,2] = v self.yref[:,3] = a self.yref[:,5] = j for i in range(N): self.solver.set(i, "yref", self.yref[i]) self.solver.set(N, "yref", self.yref[N][:COST_E_DIM]) self.params[:,2] = np.min(x_obstacles, axis=1) self.params[:,3] = np.copy(self.prev_a) self.params[:,4] = t_follow if (np.any(lead_xv_0[FCW_IDXS,0] - self.x_sol[FCW_IDXS,0] < CRASH_DISTANCE) and radarstate.leadOne.modelProb > 0.9): self.crash_cnt += 1 else: self.crash_cnt = 0 # Check if it got within lead comfort range # TODO This should be done cleaner if self.mode == 'blended': if any((lead_0_obstacle - get_safe_obstacle_distance(self.x_sol[:,1], t_follow))- self.x_sol[:,0] < 0.0): self.source = 'lead0' if any((lead_1_obstacle - get_safe_obstacle_distance(self.x_sol[:,1], t_follow))- self.x_sol[:,0] < 0.0) and \ (lead_1_obstacle[0] - lead_0_obstacle[0]): self.source = 'lead1'
[docs] def run(self): # t0 = time.monotonic() # reset = 0 for i in range(N+1): self.solver.set(i, 'p', self.params[i]) self.solver.constraints_set(0, "lbx", self.x0) self.solver.constraints_set(0, "ubx", self.x0) self.solution_status = self.solver.solve() self.solve_time = float(self.solver.get_stats('time_tot')[0]) self.time_qp_solution = float(self.solver.get_stats('time_qp')[0]) self.time_linearization = float(self.solver.get_stats('time_lin')[0]) self.time_integrator = float(self.solver.get_stats('time_sim')[0]) # qp_iter = self.solver.get_stats('statistics')[-1][-1] # SQP_RTI specific # print(f"long_mpc timings: tot {self.solve_time:.2e}, qp {self.time_qp_solution:.2e}, lin {self.time_linearization:.2e}, \ # integrator {self.time_integrator:.2e}, qp_iter {qp_iter}") # res = self.solver.get_residuals() # print(f"long_mpc residuals: {res[0]:.2e}, {res[1]:.2e}, {res[2]:.2e}, {res[3]:.2e}") # self.solver.print_statistics() for i in range(N+1): self.x_sol[i] = self.solver.get(i, 'x') for i in range(N): self.u_sol[i] = self.solver.get(i, 'u') self.v_solution = self.x_sol[:,1] self.a_solution = self.x_sol[:,2] self.j_solution = self.u_sol[:,0] self.prev_a = np.interp(T_IDXS + 0.05, T_IDXS, self.a_solution) t = time.monotonic() if self.solution_status != 0: if t > self.last_cloudlog_t + 5.0: self.last_cloudlog_t = t cloudlog.warning(f"Long mpc reset, solution_status: {self.solution_status}") self.reset()
# reset = 1 # print(f"long_mpc timings: total internal {self.solve_time:.2e}, external: {(time.monotonic() - t0):.2e} qp {self.time_qp_solution:.2e}, \ # lin {self.time_linearization:.2e} qp_iter {qp_iter}, reset {reset}") if __name__ == "__main__": ocp = gen_long_ocp() AcadosOcpSolver.generate(ocp, json_file=JSON_FILE) #, with_cython=True)