Source code for selfdrive.locationd.paramsd

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import math
import json
import numpy as np

import cereal.messaging as messaging
from cereal import car
from cereal import log
from openpilot.common.params import Params
from openpilot.common.realtime import config_realtime_process, DT_MDL
from openpilot.common.numpy_fast import clip
from openpilot.selfdrive.locationd.models.car_kf import CarKalman, ObservationKind, States
from openpilot.selfdrive.locationd.models.constants import GENERATED_DIR
from openpilot.common.swaglog import cloudlog

MAX_ANGLE_OFFSET_DELTA = 20 * DT_MDL  # Max 20 deg/s
ROLL_MAX_DELTA = math.radians(20.0) * DT_MDL  # 20deg in 1 second is well within curvature limits
ROLL_MIN, ROLL_MAX = math.radians(-10), math.radians(10)
ROLL_LOWERED_MAX = math.radians(8)
ROLL_STD_MAX = math.radians(1.5)

[docs] class ParamsLearner: def __init__(self, CP, steer_ratio, stiffness_factor, angle_offset, P_initial=None): self.kf = CarKalman(GENERATED_DIR, steer_ratio, stiffness_factor, angle_offset, P_initial) self.kf.filter.set_global("mass", CP.mass) self.kf.filter.set_global("rotational_inertia", CP.rotationalInertia) self.kf.filter.set_global("center_to_front", CP.centerToFront) self.kf.filter.set_global("center_to_rear", CP.wheelbase - CP.centerToFront) self.kf.filter.set_global("stiffness_front", CP.tireStiffnessFront) self.kf.filter.set_global("stiffness_rear", CP.tireStiffnessRear) = False self.speed = 0.0 self.yaw_rate = 0.0 self.yaw_rate_std = 0.0 self.roll = 0.0 self.steering_angle = 0.0 self.roll_valid = False
[docs] def handle_log(self, t, which, msg): if which == 'liveLocationKalman': self.yaw_rate = msg.angularVelocityCalibrated.value[2] self.yaw_rate_std = msg.angularVelocityCalibrated.std[2] localizer_roll = msg.orientationNED.value[0] localizer_roll_std = np.radians(1) if np.isnan(msg.orientationNED.std[0]) else msg.orientationNED.std[0] self.roll_valid = (localizer_roll_std < ROLL_STD_MAX) and (ROLL_MIN < localizer_roll < ROLL_MAX) and msg.sensorsOK if self.roll_valid: roll = localizer_roll # Experimentally found multiplier of 2 to be best trade-off between stability and accuracy or similar? roll_std = 2 * localizer_roll_std else: # This is done to bound the road roll estimate when localizer values are invalid roll = 0.0 roll_std = np.radians(10.0) self.roll = clip(roll, self.roll - ROLL_MAX_DELTA, self.roll + ROLL_MAX_DELTA) yaw_rate_valid = msg.angularVelocityCalibrated.valid yaw_rate_valid = yaw_rate_valid and 0 < self.yaw_rate_std < 10 # rad/s yaw_rate_valid = yaw_rate_valid and abs(self.yaw_rate) < 1 # rad/s if if msg.posenetOK: if yaw_rate_valid: self.kf.predict_and_observe(t, ObservationKind.ROAD_FRAME_YAW_RATE, np.array([[-self.yaw_rate]]), np.array([np.atleast_2d(self.yaw_rate_std**2)])) self.kf.predict_and_observe(t, ObservationKind.ROAD_ROLL, np.array([[self.roll]]), np.array([np.atleast_2d(roll_std**2)])) self.kf.predict_and_observe(t, ObservationKind.ANGLE_OFFSET_FAST, np.array([[0]])) # We observe the current stiffness and steer ratio (with a high observation noise) to bound # the respective estimate STD. Otherwise the STDs keep increasing, causing rapid changes in the # states in longer routes (especially straight stretches). stiffness = float(self.kf.x[States.STIFFNESS].item()) steer_ratio = float(self.kf.x[States.STEER_RATIO].item()) self.kf.predict_and_observe(t, ObservationKind.STIFFNESS, np.array([[stiffness]])) self.kf.predict_and_observe(t, ObservationKind.STEER_RATIO, np.array([[steer_ratio]])) elif which == 'carState': self.steering_angle = msg.steeringAngleDeg self.speed = msg.vEgo in_linear_region = abs(self.steering_angle) < 45 = self.speed > MIN_ACTIVE_SPEED and in_linear_region if self.kf.predict_and_observe(t, ObservationKind.STEER_ANGLE, np.array([[math.radians(msg.steeringAngleDeg)]])) self.kf.predict_and_observe(t, ObservationKind.ROAD_FRAME_X_SPEED, np.array([[self.speed]])) if not # Reset time when stopped so uncertainty doesn't grow self.kf.filter.set_filter_time(t) self.kf.filter.reset_rewind()
[docs] def check_valid_with_hysteresis(current_valid: bool, val: float, threshold: float, lowered_threshold: float): if current_valid: current_valid = abs(val) < threshold else: current_valid = abs(val) < lowered_threshold return current_valid
[docs] def main(): config_realtime_process([0, 1, 2, 3], 5) DEBUG = bool(int(os.getenv("DEBUG", "0"))) REPLAY = bool(int(os.getenv("REPLAY", "0"))) pm = messaging.PubMaster(['liveParameters']) sm = messaging.SubMaster(['liveLocationKalman', 'carState'], poll='liveLocationKalman') params_reader = Params() # wait for stats about the car to come in from controls"paramsd is waiting for CarParams") with car.CarParams.from_bytes(params_reader.get("CarParams", block=True)) as msg: CP = msg"paramsd got CarParams") min_sr, max_sr = 0.5 * CP.steerRatio, 2.0 * CP.steerRatio params = params_reader.get("LiveParameters") # Check if car model matches if params is not None: params = json.loads(params) if params.get('carFingerprint', None) != CP.carFingerprint:"Parameter learner found parameters for wrong car.") params = None # Check if starting values are sane if params is not None: try: steer_ratio_sane = min_sr <= params['steerRatio'] <= max_sr if not steer_ratio_sane:"Invalid starting values found {params}") params = None except Exception as e:"Error reading params {params}: {str(e)}") params = None # TODO: cache the params with the capnp struct if params is None: params = { 'carFingerprint': CP.carFingerprint, 'steerRatio': CP.steerRatio, 'stiffnessFactor': 1.0, 'angleOffsetAverageDeg': 0.0, }"Parameter learner resetting to default values") if not REPLAY: # When driving in wet conditions the stiffness can go down, and then be too low on the next drive # Without a way to detect this we have to reset the stiffness every drive params['stiffnessFactor'] = 1.0 pInitial = None if DEBUG: pInitial = np.array(params['filterState']['std']) if 'filterState' in params else None learner = ParamsLearner(CP, params['steerRatio'], params['stiffnessFactor'], math.radians(params['angleOffsetAverageDeg']), pInitial) angle_offset_average = params['angleOffsetAverageDeg'] angle_offset = angle_offset_average roll = 0.0 avg_offset_valid = True total_offset_valid = True roll_valid = True while True: sm.update() if sm.all_checks(): for which in sorted(sm.updated.keys(), key=lambda x: sm.logMonoTime[x]): if sm.updated[which]: t = sm.logMonoTime[which] * 1e-9 learner.handle_log(t, which, sm[which]) if sm.updated['liveLocationKalman']: x = learner.kf.x P = np.sqrt(learner.kf.P.diagonal()) if not all(map(math.isfinite, x)): cloudlog.error("NaN in liveParameters estimate. Resetting to default values") learner = ParamsLearner(CP, CP.steerRatio, 1.0, 0.0) x = learner.kf.x angle_offset_average = clip(math.degrees(x[States.ANGLE_OFFSET].item()), angle_offset_average - MAX_ANGLE_OFFSET_DELTA, angle_offset_average + MAX_ANGLE_OFFSET_DELTA) angle_offset = clip(math.degrees(x[States.ANGLE_OFFSET].item() + x[States.ANGLE_OFFSET_FAST].item()), angle_offset - MAX_ANGLE_OFFSET_DELTA, angle_offset + MAX_ANGLE_OFFSET_DELTA) roll = clip(float(x[States.ROAD_ROLL].item()), roll - ROLL_MAX_DELTA, roll + ROLL_MAX_DELTA) roll_std = float(P[States.ROAD_ROLL].item()) if and learner.speed > LOW_ACTIVE_SPEED: # Account for the opposite signs of the yaw rates # At low speeds, bumping into a curb can cause the yaw rate to be very high sensors_valid = bool(abs(learner.speed * (x[States.YAW_RATE].item() + learner.yaw_rate)) < LATERAL_ACC_SENSOR_THRESHOLD) else: sensors_valid = True avg_offset_valid = check_valid_with_hysteresis(avg_offset_valid, angle_offset_average, OFFSET_MAX, OFFSET_LOWERED_MAX) total_offset_valid = check_valid_with_hysteresis(total_offset_valid, angle_offset, OFFSET_MAX, OFFSET_LOWERED_MAX) roll_valid = check_valid_with_hysteresis(roll_valid, roll, ROLL_MAX, ROLL_LOWERED_MAX) msg = messaging.new_message('liveParameters') liveParameters = msg.liveParameters liveParameters.posenetValid = True liveParameters.sensorValid = sensors_valid liveParameters.steerRatio = float(x[States.STEER_RATIO].item()) liveParameters.stiffnessFactor = float(x[States.STIFFNESS].item()) liveParameters.roll = roll liveParameters.angleOffsetAverageDeg = angle_offset_average liveParameters.angleOffsetDeg = angle_offset liveParameters.valid = all(( avg_offset_valid, total_offset_valid, roll_valid, roll_std < ROLL_STD_MAX, 0.2 <= liveParameters.stiffnessFactor <= 5.0, min_sr <= liveParameters.steerRatio <= max_sr, )) liveParameters.steerRatioStd = float(P[States.STEER_RATIO].item()) liveParameters.stiffnessFactorStd = float(P[States.STIFFNESS].item()) liveParameters.angleOffsetAverageStd = float(P[States.ANGLE_OFFSET].item()) liveParameters.angleOffsetFastStd = float(P[States.ANGLE_OFFSET_FAST].item()) if DEBUG: liveParameters.filterState = log.LiveLocationKalman.Measurement.new_message() liveParameters.filterState.value = x.tolist() liveParameters.filterState.std = P.tolist() liveParameters.filterState.valid = True msg.valid = sm.all_checks() if sm.frame % 1200 == 0: # once a minute params = { 'carFingerprint': CP.carFingerprint, 'steerRatio': liveParameters.steerRatio, 'stiffnessFactor': liveParameters.stiffnessFactor, 'angleOffsetAverageDeg': liveParameters.angleOffsetAverageDeg, } params_reader.put_nonblocking("LiveParameters", json.dumps(params)) pm.send('liveParameters', msg)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()