Source code for system.hardware.tici.agnos

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import hashlib
import json
import lzma
import os
import struct
import subprocess
import time
from import Generator

import requests

import openpilot.system.updated.casync.casync as casync

SPARSE_CHUNK_FMT = struct.Struct('H2xI4x')

AGNOS_MANIFEST_FILE = "system/hardware/tici/agnos.json"

[docs] class StreamingDecompressor: def __init__(self, url: str) -> None: self.buf = b"" self.req = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers={'Accept-Encoding': None}, timeout=60) = self.req.iter_content(chunk_size=1024 * 1024) self.decompressor = lzma.LZMADecompressor(format=lzma.FORMAT_AUTO) self.eof = False self.sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
[docs] def read(self, length: int) -> bytes: while len(self.buf) < length: self.req.raise_for_status() try: compressed = next( except StopIteration: self.eof = True break out = self.decompressor.decompress(compressed) self.buf += out result = self.buf[:length] self.buf = self.buf[length:] self.sha256.update(result) return result
[docs] def unsparsify(f: StreamingDecompressor) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]: # magic = struct.unpack("I",[0] assert(magic == 0xed26ff3a) # Version major = struct.unpack("H",[0] minor = struct.unpack("H",[0] assert(major == 1 and minor == 0) # file header size # chunk header size block_sz = struct.unpack("I",[0] # total blocks num_chunks = struct.unpack("I",[0] # crc checksum for _ in range(num_chunks): chunk_type, out_blocks = SPARSE_CHUNK_FMT.unpack( if chunk_type == 0xcac1: # Raw # TODO: yield in smaller chunks. Yielding only block_sz is too slow. Largest observed data chunk is 252 MB. yield * block_sz) elif chunk_type == 0xcac2: # Fill filler = * (block_sz // 4) for _ in range(out_blocks): yield filler elif chunk_type == 0xcac3: # Don't care yield b"" else: raise Exception("Unhandled sparse chunk type")
# noop wrapper with same API as unsparsify() for non sparse images
[docs] def noop(f: StreamingDecompressor) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]: while not f.eof: yield * 1024)
[docs] def get_target_slot_number() -> int: current_slot = subprocess.check_output(["abctl", "--boot_slot"], encoding='utf-8').strip() return 1 if current_slot == "_a" else 0
[docs] def slot_number_to_suffix(slot_number: int) -> str: assert slot_number in (0, 1) return '_a' if slot_number == 0 else '_b'
[docs] def get_partition_path(target_slot_number: int, partition: dict) -> str: path = f"/dev/disk/by-partlabel/{partition['name']}" if partition.get('has_ab', True): path += slot_number_to_suffix(target_slot_number) return path
[docs] def get_raw_hash(path: str, partition_size: int) -> str: raw_hash = hashlib.sha256() pos, chunk_size = 0, 1024 * 1024 with open(path, 'rb+') as out: while pos < partition_size: n = min(chunk_size, partition_size - pos) raw_hash.update( pos += n return raw_hash.hexdigest().lower()
[docs] def verify_partition(target_slot_number: int, partition: dict[str, str | int], force_full_check: bool = False) -> bool: full_check = partition['full_check'] or force_full_check path = get_partition_path(target_slot_number, partition) if not isinstance(partition['size'], int): return False partition_size: int = partition['size'] if not isinstance(partition['hash_raw'], str): return False partition_hash: str = partition['hash_raw'] if full_check: return get_raw_hash(path, partition_size) == partition_hash.lower() else: with open(path, 'rb+') as out: return == partition_hash.lower().encode()
[docs] def clear_partition_hash(target_slot_number: int, partition: dict) -> None: path = get_partition_path(target_slot_number, partition) with open(path, 'wb+') as out: partition_size = partition['size'] out.write(b"\x00" * 64) os.sync()
[docs] def extract_compressed_image(target_slot_number: int, partition: dict, cloudlog): path = get_partition_path(target_slot_number, partition) downloader = StreamingDecompressor(partition['url']) with open(path, 'wb+') as out: # Flash partition last_p = 0 raw_hash = hashlib.sha256() f = unsparsify if partition['sparse'] else noop for chunk in f(downloader): raw_hash.update(chunk) out.write(chunk) p = int(out.tell() / partition['size'] * 100) if p != last_p: last_p = p print(f"Installing {partition['name']}: {p}", flush=True) if raw_hash.hexdigest().lower() != partition['hash_raw'].lower(): raise Exception(f"Raw hash mismatch '{raw_hash.hexdigest().lower()}'") if downloader.sha256.hexdigest().lower() != partition['hash'].lower(): raise Exception("Uncompressed hash mismatch") if out.tell() != partition['size']: raise Exception("Uncompressed size mismatch") os.sync()
[docs] def extract_casync_image(target_slot_number: int, partition: dict, cloudlog): path = get_partition_path(target_slot_number, partition) seed_path = path[:-1] + ('b' if path[-1] == 'a' else 'a') target = casync.parse_caibx(partition['casync_caibx']) sources: list[tuple[str, casync.ChunkReader, casync.ChunkDict]] = [] # First source is the current partition. try: raw_hash = get_raw_hash(seed_path, partition['size']) caibx_url = f"{CAIBX_URL}{partition['name']}-{raw_hash}.caibx" try:"casync fetching {caibx_url}") sources += [('seed', casync.FileChunkReader(seed_path), casync.build_chunk_dict(casync.parse_caibx(caibx_url)))] except requests.RequestException: cloudlog.error(f"casync failed to load {caibx_url}") except Exception: cloudlog.exception("casync failed to hash seed partition") # Second source is the target partition, this allows for resuming sources += [('target', casync.FileChunkReader(path), casync.build_chunk_dict(target))] # Finally we add the remote source to download any missing chunks sources += [('remote', casync.RemoteChunkReader(partition['casync_store']), casync.build_chunk_dict(target))] last_p = 0 def progress(cur): nonlocal last_p p = int(cur / partition['size'] * 100) if p != last_p: last_p = p print(f"Installing {partition['name']}: {p}", flush=True) stats = casync.extract(target, sources, path, progress) cloudlog.error(f'casync done {json.dumps(stats)}') os.sync() if not verify_partition(target_slot_number, partition, force_full_check=True): raise Exception(f"Raw hash mismatch '{partition['hash_raw'].lower()}'")
[docs] def flash_partition(target_slot_number: int, partition: dict, cloudlog, standalone=False):"Downloading and writing {partition['name']}") if verify_partition(target_slot_number, partition):"Already flashed {partition['name']}") return # Clear hash before flashing in case we get interrupted full_check = partition['full_check'] if not full_check: clear_partition_hash(target_slot_number, partition) path = get_partition_path(target_slot_number, partition) if ('casync_caibx' in partition) and not standalone: extract_casync_image(target_slot_number, partition, cloudlog) else: extract_compressed_image(target_slot_number, partition, cloudlog) # Write hash after successful flash if not full_check: with open(path, 'wb+') as out:['size']) out.write(partition['hash_raw'].lower().encode())
[docs] def swap(manifest_path: str, target_slot_number: int, cloudlog) -> None: update = json.load(open(manifest_path)) for partition in update: if not partition.get('full_check', False): clear_partition_hash(target_slot_number, partition) while True: out = subprocess.check_output(f"abctl --set_active {target_slot_number}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, encoding='utf8') if ("No such file or directory" not in out) and ("lun as boot lun" in out):"Swap successful {out}") break else: cloudlog.error(f"Swap failed {out}")
[docs] def flash_agnos_update(manifest_path: str, target_slot_number: int, cloudlog, standalone=False) -> None: update = json.load(open(manifest_path))"Target slot {target_slot_number}") # set target slot as unbootable os.system(f"abctl --set_unbootable {target_slot_number}") for partition in update: success = False for retries in range(10): try: flash_partition(target_slot_number, partition, cloudlog, standalone) success = True break except requests.exceptions.RequestException: cloudlog.exception("Failed")"Failed to download {partition['name']}, retrying ({retries})") time.sleep(10) if not success:"Failed to flash {partition['name']}, aborting") raise Exception("Maximum retries exceeded")"AGNOS ready on slot {target_slot_number}")
[docs] def verify_agnos_update(manifest_path: str, target_slot_number: int) -> bool: update = json.load(open(manifest_path)) return all(verify_partition(target_slot_number, partition) for partition in update)
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse import logging parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Flash and verify AGNOS update", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("--verify", action="store_true", help="Verify and perform swap if update ready") parser.add_argument("--swap", action="store_true", help="Verify and perform swap, downloads if necessary") parser.add_argument("manifest", help="Manifest json") args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) target_slot_number = get_target_slot_number() if args.verify: if verify_agnos_update(args.manifest, target_slot_number): swap(args.manifest, target_slot_number, logging) exit(0) exit(1) elif args.swap: while not verify_agnos_update(args.manifest, target_slot_number): logging.error("Verification failed. Flashing AGNOS") flash_agnos_update(args.manifest, target_slot_number, logging, standalone=True) logging.warning(f"Verification succeeded. Swapping to slot {target_slot_number}") swap(args.manifest, target_slot_number, logging) else: flash_agnos_update(args.manifest, target_slot_number, logging, standalone=True)