Source code for tools.replay.can_replay

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import os
import time
import usb1
import threading

os.environ['FILEREADER_CACHE'] = '1'

from openpilot.common.realtime import config_realtime_process, Ratekeeper, DT_CTRL
from openpilot.selfdrive.boardd.boardd import can_capnp_to_can_list
from import LogReader
from panda import PandaJungle

# set both to cycle power or ignition
PWR_ON = int(os.getenv("PWR_ON", "0"))
PWR_OFF = int(os.getenv("PWR_OFF", "0"))
IGN_ON = int(os.getenv("ON", "0"))
IGN_OFF = int(os.getenv("OFF", "0"))

[docs] def send_thread(j: PandaJungle, flock): if "FLASH" in os.environ: with flock: j.flash() j.reset() for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 0xFFFF]: j.can_clear(i) j.set_can_speed_kbps(i, 500) j.set_ignition(True) j.set_panda_power(True) j.set_can_loopback(False) rk = Ratekeeper(1 / DT_CTRL, print_delay_threshold=None) while True: # handle cycling if ENABLE_PWR: i = (rk.frame*DT_CTRL) % (PWR_ON + PWR_OFF) < PWR_ON j.set_panda_power(i) if ENABLE_IGN: i = (rk.frame*DT_CTRL) % (IGN_ON + IGN_OFF) < IGN_ON j.set_ignition(i) snd = CAN_MSGS[rk.frame % len(CAN_MSGS)] snd = list(filter(lambda x: x[-1] <= 2, snd)) try: j.can_send_many(snd) except usb1.USBErrorTimeout: # timeout is fine, just means the CAN TX buffer is full pass # Drain panda message buffer j.can_recv() rk.keep_time()
[docs] def connect(): config_realtime_process(3, 55) serials = {} flashing_lock = threading.Lock() while True: # look for new devices for s in PandaJungle.list(): if s not in serials: print("starting send thread for", s) serials[s] = threading.Thread(target=send_thread, args=(PandaJungle(s), flashing_lock)) serials[s].start() # try to join all send threads cur_serials = serials.copy() for s, t in cur_serials.items(): if t is not None: t.join(0.01) if not t.is_alive(): del serials[s] time.sleep(1)
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Replay CAN messages from a route to all connected pandas and jungles in a loop.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("route_or_segment_name", nargs='?', help="The route or segment name to replay. If not specified, a default public route will be used.") args = parser.parse_args() def process(lr): return [can_capnp_to_can_list(m.can) for m in lr if m.which() == 'can'] print("Loading log...") if args.route_or_segment_name is None: args.route_or_segment_name = "77611a1fac303767/2020-03-24--09-50-38/1:3" sr = LogReader(args.route_or_segment_name) CP = sr.first("carParams") print(f"carFingerprint (for hardcoding fingerprint): '{CP.carFingerprint}'") CAN_MSGS = sr.run_across_segments(24, process) print("Finished loading...") if ENABLE_PWR: print(f"Cycling power: on for {PWR_ON}s, off for {PWR_OFF}s") if ENABLE_IGN: print(f"Cycling ignition: on for {IGN_ON}s, off for {IGN_OFF}s") connect()