Source code for tools.replay.lib.ui_helpers

import itertools
from typing import Any

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pygame

from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg

from import get_view_frame_from_calib_frame
from openpilot.selfdrive.controls.radard import RADAR_TO_CAMERA

RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)

[docs] class UIParams: lidar_x, lidar_y, lidar_zoom = 384, 960, 6 lidar_car_x, lidar_car_y = lidar_x / 2., lidar_y / 1.1 car_hwidth = 1.7272 / 2 * lidar_zoom car_front = 2.6924 * lidar_zoom car_back = 1.8796 * lidar_zoom car_color = 110
UP = UIParams METER_WIDTH = 20
[docs] class Calibration: def __init__(self, num_px, rpy, intrinsic, calib_scale): self.intrinsic = intrinsic self.extrinsics_matrix = get_view_frame_from_calib_frame(rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2], 0.0)[:,:3] self.zoom = calib_scale
[docs] def car_space_to_ff(self, x, y, z): car_space_projective = np.column_stack((x, y, z)).T ep = kep = return (kep[:-1, :] / kep[-1, :]).T
[docs] def car_space_to_bb(self, x, y, z): pts = self.car_space_to_ff(x, y, z) return pts / self.zoom
_COLOR_CACHE : dict[tuple[int, int, int], Any] = {}
[docs] def find_color(lidar_surface, color): if color in _COLOR_CACHE: return _COLOR_CACHE[color] tcolor = 0 ret = 255 for x in lidar_surface.get_palette(): if x[0:3] == color: ret = tcolor break tcolor += 1 _COLOR_CACHE[color] = ret return ret
[docs] def to_topdown_pt(y, x): px, py = x * UP.lidar_zoom + UP.lidar_car_x, -y * UP.lidar_zoom + UP.lidar_car_y if px > 0 and py > 0 and px < UP.lidar_x and py < UP.lidar_y: return int(px), int(py) return -1, -1
[docs] def draw_path(path, color, img, calibration, top_down, lid_color=None, z_off=0): x, y, z = np.asarray(path.x), np.asarray(path.y), np.asarray(path.z) + z_off pts = calibration.car_space_to_bb(x, y, z) pts = np.round(pts).astype(int) # draw lidar path point on lidar # find color in 8 bit if lid_color is not None and top_down is not None: tcolor = find_color(top_down[0], lid_color) for i in range(len(x)): px, py = to_topdown_pt(x[i], y[i]) if px != -1: top_down[1][px, py] = tcolor height, width = img.shape[:2] for x, y in pts: if 1 < x < width - 1 and 1 < y < height - 1: for a, b in itertools.permutations([-1, 0, -1], 2): img[y + a, x + b] = color
[docs] def init_plots(arr, name_to_arr_idx, plot_xlims, plot_ylims, plot_names, plot_colors, plot_styles): color_palette = { "r": (1, 0, 0), "g": (0, 1, 0), "b": (0, 0, 1), "k": (0, 0, 0), "y": (1, 1, 0), "p": (0, 1, 1), "m": (1, 0, 1)} dpi = 90 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(575 / dpi, 600 / dpi), dpi=dpi) canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) fig.set_facecolor((0.2, 0.2, 0.2)) axs = [] for pn in range(len(plot_ylims)): ax = fig.add_subplot(len(plot_ylims), 1, len(axs)+1) ax.set_xlim(plot_xlims[pn][0], plot_xlims[pn][1]) ax.set_ylim(plot_ylims[pn][0], plot_ylims[pn][1]) ax.patch.set_facecolor((0.4, 0.4, 0.4)) axs.append(ax) plots, idxs, plot_select = [], [], [] for i, pl_list in enumerate(plot_names): for j, item in enumerate(pl_list): plot, = axs[i].plot(arr[:, name_to_arr_idx[item]], label=item, color=color_palette[plot_colors[i][j]], linestyle=plot_styles[i][j]) plots.append(plot) idxs.append(name_to_arr_idx[item]) plot_select.append(i) axs[i].set_title(", ".join(f"{nm} ({cl})" for (nm, cl) in zip(pl_list, plot_colors[i], strict=False)), fontsize=10) axs[i].tick_params(axis="x", colors="white") axs[i].tick_params(axis="y", colors="white") axs[i].title.set_color("white") if i < len(plot_ylims) - 1: axs[i].set_xticks([]) canvas.draw() def draw_plots(arr): for ax in axs: ax.draw_artist(ax.patch) for i in range(len(plots)): plots[i].set_ydata(arr[:, idxs[i]]) axs[plot_select[i]].draw_artist(plots[i]) raw_data = canvas.buffer_rgba() plot_surface = pygame.image.frombuffer(raw_data, canvas.get_width_height(), "RGBA").convert() return plot_surface return draw_plots
[docs] def pygame_modules_have_loaded(): return pygame.display.get_init() and pygame.font.get_init()
[docs] def plot_model(m, img, calibration, top_down): if calibration is None or top_down is None: return for lead in m.leadsV3: if lead.prob < 0.5: continue x, y = lead.x[0], lead.y[0] x_std = lead.xStd[0] x -= RADAR_TO_CAMERA _, py_top = to_topdown_pt(x + x_std, y) px, py_bottom = to_topdown_pt(x - x_std, y) top_down[1][int(round(px - 4)):int(round(px + 4)), py_top:py_bottom] = find_color(top_down[0], YELLOW) for path, prob, _ in zip(m.laneLines, m.laneLineProbs, m.laneLineStds, strict=True): color = (0, int(255 * prob), 0) draw_path(path, color, img, calibration, top_down, YELLOW) for edge, std in zip(m.roadEdges, m.roadEdgeStds, strict=True): prob = max(1 - std, 0) color = (int(255 * prob), 0, 0) draw_path(edge, color, img, calibration, top_down, RED) color = (255, 0, 0) draw_path(m.position, color, img, calibration, top_down, RED, 1.22)
[docs] def plot_lead(rs, top_down): for lead in [rs.leadOne, rs.leadTwo]: if not lead.status: continue x = lead.dRel px_left, py = to_topdown_pt(x, -10) px_right, _ = to_topdown_pt(x, 10) top_down[1][px_left:px_right, py] = find_color(top_down[0], RED)
[docs] def maybe_update_radar_points(lt, lid_overlay): ar_pts = [] if lt is not None: ar_pts = {} for track in lt: ar_pts[track.trackId] = [track.dRel, track.yRel, track.vRel, track.aRel, track.oncoming, track.stationary] for ids, pt in ar_pts.items(): # negative here since radar is left positive px, py = to_topdown_pt(pt[0], -pt[1]) if px != -1: if pt[-1]: color = 240 elif pt[-2]: color = 230 else: color = 255 if int(ids) == 1: lid_overlay[px - 2:px + 2, py - 10:py + 10] = 100 else: lid_overlay[px - 2:px + 2, py - 2:py + 2] = color
[docs] def get_blank_lid_overlay(UP): lid_overlay = np.zeros((UP.lidar_x, UP.lidar_y), 'uint8') # Draw the car. lid_overlay[int(round(UP.lidar_car_x - UP.car_hwidth)):int( round(UP.lidar_car_x + UP.car_hwidth)), int(round(UP.lidar_car_y - UP.car_front))] = UP.car_color lid_overlay[int(round(UP.lidar_car_x - UP.car_hwidth)):int( round(UP.lidar_car_x + UP.car_hwidth)), int(round(UP.lidar_car_y + UP.car_back))] = UP.car_color lid_overlay[int(round(UP.lidar_car_x - UP.car_hwidth)), int( round(UP.lidar_car_y - UP.car_front)):int(round( UP.lidar_car_y + UP.car_back))] = UP.car_color lid_overlay[int(round(UP.lidar_car_x + UP.car_hwidth)), int( round(UP.lidar_car_y - UP.car_front)):int(round( UP.lidar_car_y + UP.car_back))] = UP.car_color return lid_overlay