Source code for panda.python.usb

import struct

from .base import BaseHandle, BaseSTBootloaderHandle, TIMEOUT
from .constants import McuType

[docs] class PandaUsbHandle(BaseHandle): def __init__(self, libusb_handle): self._libusb_handle = libusb_handle
[docs] def close(self): self._libusb_handle.close()
[docs] def controlWrite(self, request_type: int, request: int, value: int, index: int, data, timeout: int = TIMEOUT, expect_disconnect: bool = False): return self._libusb_handle.controlWrite(request_type, request, value, index, data, timeout)
[docs] def controlRead(self, request_type: int, request: int, value: int, index: int, length: int, timeout: int = TIMEOUT): return self._libusb_handle.controlRead(request_type, request, value, index, length, timeout)
[docs] def bulkWrite(self, endpoint: int, data: bytes, timeout: int = TIMEOUT) -> int: return self._libusb_handle.bulkWrite(endpoint, data, timeout) # type: ignore
[docs] def bulkRead(self, endpoint: int, length: int, timeout: int = TIMEOUT) -> bytes: return self._libusb_handle.bulkRead(endpoint, length, timeout) # type: ignore
[docs] class STBootloaderUSBHandle(BaseSTBootloaderHandle): DFU_DNLOAD = 1 DFU_UPLOAD = 2 DFU_GETSTATUS = 3 DFU_CLRSTATUS = 4 DFU_ABORT = 6 def __init__(self, libusb_device, libusb_handle): self._libusb_handle = libusb_handle # example from F4: lsusb -v | grep Flash # iInterface 4 @Internal Flash /0x08000000/04*016Kg,01*064Kg,011*128Kg for i in range(20): desc = libusb_handle.getStringDescriptor(i, 0) if desc is not None and desc.startswith("@Internal Flash"): sector_count = sum([int(s.split('*')[0]) for s in desc.split('/')[-1].split(',')]) break mcu_by_sector_count = {m.config.sector_count: m for m in McuType} assert sector_count in mcu_by_sector_count, f"Unkown MCU: {sector_count=}" self._mcu_type = mcu_by_sector_count[sector_count] def _status(self) -> None: while 1: dat = self._libusb_handle.controlRead(0x21, self.DFU_GETSTATUS, 0, 0, 6) if dat[1] == 0: break def _erase_page_address(self, address: int) -> None: self._libusb_handle.controlWrite(0x21, self.DFU_DNLOAD, 0, 0, b"\x41" + struct.pack("I", address)) self._status()
[docs] def get_mcu_type(self): return self._mcu_type
[docs] def erase_sector(self, sector: int): self._erase_page_address(self._mcu_type.config.sector_address(sector))
[docs] def clear_status(self): # Clear status stat = self._libusb_handle.controlRead(0x21, self.DFU_GETSTATUS, 0, 0, 6) if stat[4] == 0xa: self._libusb_handle.controlRead(0x21, self.DFU_CLRSTATUS, 0, 0, 0) elif stat[4] == 0x9: self._libusb_handle.controlWrite(0x21, self.DFU_ABORT, 0, 0, b"") self._status() stat = str(self._libusb_handle.controlRead(0x21, self.DFU_GETSTATUS, 0, 0, 6))
[docs] def close(self): self._libusb_handle.close()
[docs] def program(self, address, dat): # Set Address Pointer self._libusb_handle.controlWrite(0x21, self.DFU_DNLOAD, 0, 0, b"\x21" + struct.pack("I", address)) self._status() # Program bs = min(len(dat), self._mcu_type.config.block_size) dat += b"\xFF" * ((bs - len(dat)) % bs) for i in range(len(dat) // bs): ldat = dat[i * bs:(i + 1) * bs] print("programming %d with length %d" % (i, len(ldat))) self._libusb_handle.controlWrite(0x21, self.DFU_DNLOAD, 2 + i, 0, ldat) self._status()
[docs] def jump(self, address): self._libusb_handle.controlWrite(0x21, self.DFU_DNLOAD, 0, 0, b"\x21" + struct.pack("I", address)) self._status() try: self._libusb_handle.controlWrite(0x21, self.DFU_DNLOAD, 2, 0, b"") _ = str(self._libusb_handle.controlRead(0x21, self.DFU_GETSTATUS, 0, 0, 6)) except Exception: pass