Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import unittest
import numpy as np
from panda import Panda
from panda.tests.libpanda import libpanda_py
import as common
from import CANPackerPanda

MIN_ACCEL = -3.5

MSG_ESP_19 = 0xB2       # RX from ABS, for wheel speeds
MSG_LH_EPS_03 = 0x9F    # RX from EPS, for driver steering torque
MSG_ESP_05 = 0x106      # RX from ABS, for brake light state
MSG_TSK_06 = 0x120      # RX from ECU, for ACC status from drivetrain coordinator
MSG_MOTOR_20 = 0x121    # RX from ECU, for driver throttle input
MSG_ACC_06 = 0x122      # TX by OP, ACC control instructions to the drivetrain coordinator
MSG_HCA_01 = 0x126      # TX by OP, Heading Control Assist steering torque
MSG_GRA_ACC_01 = 0x12B  # TX by OP, ACC control buttons for cancel/resume
MSG_ACC_07 = 0x12E      # TX by OP, ACC control instructions to the drivetrain coordinator
MSG_ACC_02 = 0x30C      # TX by OP, ACC HUD data to the instrument cluster
MSG_LDW_02 = 0x397      # TX by OP, Lane line recognition and text alerts

[docs] class TestVolkswagenMqbSafety(common.PandaCarSafetyTest, common.DriverTorqueSteeringSafetyTest): STANDSTILL_THRESHOLD = 0 RELAY_MALFUNCTION_ADDRS = {0: (MSG_HCA_01,)} MAX_RATE_UP = 4 MAX_RATE_DOWN = 10 MAX_TORQUE = 300 MAX_RT_DELTA = 75 RT_INTERVAL = 250000 DRIVER_TORQUE_ALLOWANCE = 80 DRIVER_TORQUE_FACTOR = 3
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): if cls.__name__ == "TestVolkswagenMqbSafety": cls.packer = None = None raise unittest.SkipTest
# Wheel speeds _esp_19_msg def _speed_msg(self, speed): values = {"ESP_%s_Radgeschw_02" % s: speed for s in ["HL", "HR", "VL", "VR"]} return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("ESP_19", 0, values) # Driver brake pressure over threshold def _esp_05_msg(self, brake): values = {"ESP_Fahrer_bremst": brake} return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("ESP_05", 0, values) # Brake pedal switch def _motor_14_msg(self, brake): values = {"MO_Fahrer_bremst": brake} return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("Motor_14", 0, values) def _user_brake_msg(self, brake): return self._motor_14_msg(brake) # Driver throttle input def _user_gas_msg(self, gas): values = {"MO_Fahrpedalrohwert_01": gas} return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("Motor_20", 0, values) # ACC engagement status def _tsk_status_msg(self, enable, main_switch=True): if main_switch: tsk_status = 3 if enable else 2 else: tsk_status = 0 values = {"TSK_Status": tsk_status} return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("TSK_06", 0, values) def _pcm_status_msg(self, enable): return self._tsk_status_msg(enable) # Driver steering input torque def _torque_driver_msg(self, torque): values = {"EPS_Lenkmoment": abs(torque), "EPS_VZ_Lenkmoment": torque < 0} return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("LH_EPS_03", 0, values) # openpilot steering output torque def _torque_cmd_msg(self, torque, steer_req=1): values = {"HCA_01_LM_Offset": abs(torque), "HCA_01_LM_OffSign": torque < 0, "HCA_01_Sendestatus": steer_req} return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("HCA_01", 0, values) # Cruise control buttons def _gra_acc_01_msg(self, cancel=0, resume=0, _set=0, bus=2): values = {"GRA_Abbrechen": cancel, "GRA_Tip_Setzen": _set, "GRA_Tip_Wiederaufnahme": resume} return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("GRA_ACC_01", bus, values) # Acceleration request to drivetrain coordinator def _acc_06_msg(self, accel): values = {"ACC_Sollbeschleunigung_02": accel} return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("ACC_06", 0, values) # Acceleration request to drivetrain coordinator def _acc_07_msg(self, accel, secondary_accel=3.02): values = {"ACC_Sollbeschleunigung_02": accel, "ACC_Folgebeschl": secondary_accel} return self.packer.make_can_msg_panda("ACC_07", 0, values) # Verify brake_pressed is true if either the switch or pressure threshold signals are true
[docs] def test_redundant_brake_signals(self): test_combinations = [(True, True, True), (True, True, False), (True, False, True), (False, False, False)] for brake_pressed, motor_14_signal, esp_05_signal in test_combinations: self._rx(self._motor_14_msg(False)) self._rx(self._esp_05_msg(False)) self.assertFalse( self._rx(self._motor_14_msg(motor_14_signal)) self._rx(self._esp_05_msg(esp_05_signal)) self.assertEqual(brake_pressed,, f"expected {brake_pressed=} with {motor_14_signal=} and {esp_05_signal=}")
[docs] def test_torque_measurements(self): # TODO: make this test work with all cars self._rx(self._torque_driver_msg(50)) self._rx(self._torque_driver_msg(-50)) self._rx(self._torque_driver_msg(0)) self._rx(self._torque_driver_msg(0)) self._rx(self._torque_driver_msg(0)) self._rx(self._torque_driver_msg(0)) self.assertEqual(-50, self.assertEqual(50, self._rx(self._torque_driver_msg(0)) self.assertEqual(0, self.assertEqual(-50, self._rx(self._torque_driver_msg(0)) self.assertEqual(0, self.assertEqual(0,
[docs] class TestVolkswagenMqbStockSafety(TestVolkswagenMqbSafety): TX_MSGS = [[MSG_HCA_01, 0], [MSG_LDW_02, 0], [MSG_LH_EPS_03, 2], [MSG_GRA_ACC_01, 0], [MSG_GRA_ACC_01, 2]] FWD_BLACKLISTED_ADDRS = {0: [MSG_LH_EPS_03], 2: [MSG_HCA_01, MSG_LDW_02]} FWD_BUS_LOOKUP = {0: 2, 2: 0}
[docs] def setUp(self): self.packer = CANPackerPanda("vw_mqb_2010") = libpanda_py.libpanda, 0)
[docs] def test_spam_cancel_safety_check(self): self.assertTrue(self._tx(self._gra_acc_01_msg(cancel=1))) self.assertFalse(self._tx(self._gra_acc_01_msg(resume=1))) self.assertFalse(self._tx(self._gra_acc_01_msg(_set=1))) # do not block resume if we are engaged already self.assertTrue(self._tx(self._gra_acc_01_msg(resume=1)))
[docs] class TestVolkswagenMqbLongSafety(TestVolkswagenMqbSafety): TX_MSGS = [[MSG_HCA_01, 0], [MSG_LDW_02, 0], [MSG_LH_EPS_03, 2], [MSG_ACC_02, 0], [MSG_ACC_06, 0], [MSG_ACC_07, 0]] FWD_BLACKLISTED_ADDRS = {0: [MSG_LH_EPS_03], 2: [MSG_HCA_01, MSG_LDW_02, MSG_ACC_02, MSG_ACC_06, MSG_ACC_07]} FWD_BUS_LOOKUP = {0: 2, 2: 0} INACTIVE_ACCEL = 3.01
[docs] def setUp(self): self.packer = CANPackerPanda("vw_mqb_2010") = libpanda_py.libpanda, Panda.FLAG_VOLKSWAGEN_LONG_CONTROL)
# stock cruise controls are entirely bypassed under openpilot longitudinal control
[docs] def test_disable_control_allowed_from_cruise(self): pass
[docs] def test_enable_control_allowed_from_cruise(self): pass
[docs] def test_cruise_engaged_prev(self): pass
[docs] def test_set_and_resume_buttons(self): for button in ["set", "resume"]: # ACC main switch must be on, engage on falling edge self._rx(self._tsk_status_msg(False, main_switch=False)) self._rx(self._gra_acc_01_msg(_set=(button == "set"), resume=(button == "resume"), bus=0)) self.assertFalse(, f"controls allowed on {button} with main switch off") self._rx(self._tsk_status_msg(False, main_switch=True)) self._rx(self._gra_acc_01_msg(_set=(button == "set"), resume=(button == "resume"), bus=0)) self.assertFalse(, f"controls allowed on {button} rising edge") self._rx(self._gra_acc_01_msg(bus=0)) self.assertTrue(, f"controls not allowed on {button} falling edge")
[docs] def test_cancel_button(self): # Disable on rising edge of cancel button self._rx(self._tsk_status_msg(False, main_switch=True)) self._rx(self._gra_acc_01_msg(cancel=True, bus=0)) self.assertFalse(, "controls allowed after cancel")
[docs] def test_main_switch(self): # Disable as soon as main switch turns off self._rx(self._tsk_status_msg(False, main_switch=True)) self._rx(self._tsk_status_msg(False, main_switch=False)) self.assertFalse(, "controls allowed after ACC main switch off")
[docs] def test_accel_safety_check(self): for controls_allowed in [True, False]: # enforce we don't skip over 0 or inactive accel for accel in np.concatenate((np.arange(MIN_ACCEL - 2, MAX_ACCEL + 2, 0.03), [0, self.INACTIVE_ACCEL])): accel = round(accel, 2) # floats might not hit exact boundary conditions without rounding is_inactive_accel = accel == self.INACTIVE_ACCEL send = (controls_allowed and MIN_ACCEL <= accel <= MAX_ACCEL) or is_inactive_accel # primary accel request used by ECU self.assertEqual(send, self._tx(self._acc_06_msg(accel)), (controls_allowed, accel)) # additional accel request used by ABS/ESP self.assertEqual(send, self._tx(self._acc_07_msg(accel)), (controls_allowed, accel)) # ensure the optional secondary accel field remains inactive for now self.assertEqual(is_inactive_accel, self._tx(self._acc_07_msg(accel, secondary_accel=accel)), (controls_allowed, accel))
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()