Source code for selfdrive.test.process_replay.test_fuzzy

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import copy
from hypothesis import given, HealthCheck, Phase, settings
import hypothesis.strategies as st
from parameterized import parameterized
import unittest

from cereal import log
from import CAR as TOYOTA
from openpilot.selfdrive.test.fuzzy_generation import FuzzyGenerator
import openpilot.selfdrive.test.process_replay.process_replay as pr

# These processes currently fail because of unrealistic data breaking assumptions
# that openpilot makes causing error with NaN, inf, int size, array indexing ...
# TODO: Make each one testable
NOT_TESTED = ['controlsd', 'plannerd', 'calibrationd', 'dmonitoringd', 'paramsd', 'dmonitoringmodeld', 'modeld']

TEST_CASES = [(cfg.proc_name, copy.deepcopy(cfg)) for cfg in pr.CONFIGS if cfg.proc_name not in NOT_TESTED]

[docs] class TestFuzzProcesses(unittest.TestCase): # TODO: make this faster and increase examples @parameterized.expand(TEST_CASES) @given( @settings(phases=[Phase.generate,], max_examples=10, deadline=1000, suppress_health_check=[HealthCheck.too_slow, HealthCheck.data_too_large]) def test_fuzz_process(self, proc_name, cfg, data): msgs = FuzzyGenerator.get_random_event_msg(data.draw, events=cfg.pubs, real_floats=True) lr = [log.Event.new_message(**m).as_reader() for m in msgs] cfg.timeout = 5 pr.replay_process(cfg, lr, fingerprint=TOYOTA.TOYOTA_COROLLA_TSS2, disable_progress=True)
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()