Source code for selfdrive.test.test_onroad

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import bz2
import math
import json
import os
import pathlib
import psutil
import pytest
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
import numpy as np
import unittest
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path

from cereal import car
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from import SERVICE_LIST
from openpilot.common.basedir import BASEDIR
from openpilot.common.timeout import Timeout
from openpilot.common.params import Params
from import EVENTS, ET
from openpilot.system.hardware import HARDWARE
from openpilot.selfdrive.test.helpers import set_params_enabled, release_only
from openpilot.system.hardware.hw import Paths
from import LogReader

CPU usage budget
* each process is entitled to at least 8%
* total CPU usage of openpilot (sum(PROCS.values())
  should not exceed MAX_TOTAL_CPU
MAX_TOTAL_CPU = 250.  # total for all 8 cores
  # Baseline CPU usage by process
  "selfdrive.controls.controlsd": 46.0,
  "./loggerd": 14.0,
  "./encoderd": 17.0,
  "./camerad": 14.5,
  "./locationd": 11.0,
  "selfdrive.controls.plannerd": 11.0,
  "./ui": 18.0,
  "selfdrive.locationd.paramsd": 9.0,
  "./sensord": 7.0,
  "selfdrive.controls.radard": 7.0,
  "selfdrive.modeld.modeld": 13.0,
  "selfdrive.modeld.dmonitoringmodeld": 8.0,
  "selfdrive.thermald.thermald": 3.87,
  "selfdrive.locationd.calibrationd": 2.0,
  "selfdrive.locationd.torqued": 5.0,
  "selfdrive.ui.soundd": 3.5,
  "selfdrive.monitoring.dmonitoringd": 4.0,
  "./proclogd": 1.54,
  "system.logmessaged": 0.2,
  "selfdrive.tombstoned": 0,
  "./logcatd": 0,
  "system.micd": 6.0,
  "system.timed": 0,
  "selfdrive.boardd.pandad": 0,
  "selfdrive.statsd": 0.4,
  "selfdrive.navd.navd": 0.4,
  "system.loggerd.uploader": (0.5, 15.0),
  "system.loggerd.deleter": 0.1,

  "tici": {
    "./boardd": 4.0,
    "./ubloxd": 0.02,
    "system.ubloxd.pigeond": 6.0,
  "tizi": {
     "./boardd": 19.0,
    "system.qcomgpsd.qcomgpsd": 1.0,
}.get(HARDWARE.get_device_type(), {}))

  # rtols: max/min, rsd
  "can": [2.5, 0.35],
  "pandaStates": [2.5, 0.35],
  "peripheralState": [2.5, 0.35],
  "sendcan": [2.5, 0.35],
  "carState": [2.5, 0.35],
  "carControl": [2.5, 0.35],
  "controlsState": [2.5, 0.35],
  "longitudinalPlan": [2.5, 0.5],
  "roadCameraState": [2.5, 0.35],
  "driverCameraState": [2.5, 0.35],
  "modelV2": [2.5, 0.35],
  "driverStateV2": [2.5, 0.40],
  "liveLocationKalman": [2.5, 0.35],
  "wideRoadCameraState": [1.5, 0.35],

[docs] def cputime_total(ct): return ct.cpuUser + ct.cpuSystem + ct.cpuChildrenUser + ct.cpuChildrenSystem
[docs] @pytest.mark.tici class TestOnroad(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): if "DEBUG" in os.environ: segs = filter(lambda x: os.path.exists(os.path.join(x, "rlog")), Path(Paths.log_root()).iterdir()) segs = sorted(segs, key=lambda x: x.stat().st_mtime) print(segs[-3]) = list(LogReader(os.path.join(segs[-3], "rlog"))) return # setup env params = Params() params.remove("CurrentRoute") set_params_enabled() os.environ['REPLAY'] = '1' os.environ['TESTING_CLOSET'] = '1' if os.path.exists(Paths.log_root()): shutil.rmtree(Paths.log_root()) # start manager and run openpilot for a minute proc = None try: manager_path = os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/manager/") proc = subprocess.Popen(["python", manager_path]) sm = messaging.SubMaster(['carState']) with Timeout(150, "controls didn't start"): while sm.recv_frame['carState'] < 0: sm.update(1000) # make sure we get at least two full segments route = None cls.segments = [] with Timeout(300, "timed out waiting for logs"): while route is None: route = params.get("CurrentRoute", encoding="utf-8") time.sleep(0.1) while len(cls.segments) < 3: segs = set() if Path(Paths.log_root()).exists(): segs = set(Path(Paths.log_root()).glob(f"{route}--*")) cls.segments = sorted(segs, key=lambda s: int(str(s).rsplit('--')[-1])) time.sleep(2) # chop off last, incomplete segment cls.segments = cls.segments[:-1] finally: cls.gpu_procs = {psutil.Process(int( for f in pathlib.Path('/sys/devices/virtual/kgsl/kgsl/proc/').iterdir() if f.is_dir()} if proc is not None: proc.terminate() if proc.wait(60) is None: proc.kill() cls.lrs = [list(LogReader(os.path.join(str(s), "rlog"))) for s in cls.segments] # use the second segment by default as it's the first full segment = list(LogReader(os.path.join(str(cls.segments[1]), "rlog"))) cls.log_path = cls.segments[1] cls.log_sizes = {} for f in cls.log_path.iterdir(): assert f.is_file() cls.log_sizes[f] = f.stat().st_size / 1e6 if in ("qlog", "rlog"): with open(f, 'rb') as ff: cls.log_sizes[f] = len(bz2.compress( / 1e6
@cached_property def service_msgs(self): msgs = defaultdict(list) for m in msgs[m.which()].append(m) return msgs
[docs] def test_service_frequencies(self): for s, msgs in self.service_msgs.items(): if s in ('initData', 'sentinel'): continue # skip gps services for now if s in ('ubloxGnss', 'ubloxRaw', 'gnssMeasurements', 'gpsLocation', 'gpsLocationExternal', 'qcomGnss'): continue with self.subTest(service=s): assert len(msgs) >= math.floor(SERVICE_LIST[s].frequency*55)
[docs] def test_cloudlog_size(self): msgs = [m for m in if m.which() == 'logMessage'] total_size = sum(len(m.as_builder().to_bytes()) for m in msgs) self.assertLess(total_size, 3.5e5) cnt = Counter(json.loads(m.logMessage)['filename'] for m in msgs) big_logs = [f for f, n in cnt.most_common(3) if n / sum(cnt.values()) > 30.] self.assertEqual(len(big_logs), 0, f"Log spam: {big_logs}")
[docs] def test_log_sizes(self): for f, sz in self.log_sizes.items(): if == "qcamera.ts": assert 2.15 < sz < 2.35 elif == "qlog": assert 0.7 < sz < 1.0 elif == "rlog": assert 5 < sz < 50 elif'.hevc'): assert 70 < sz < 77 else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def test_ui_timings(self): result = "\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" result += "-------------- UI Draw Timing ------------------\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" ts = [m.uiDebug.drawTimeMillis for m in self.service_msgs['uiDebug']] result += f"min {min(ts):.2f}ms\n" result += f"max {max(ts):.2f}ms\n" result += f"std {np.std(ts):.2f}ms\n" result += f"mean {np.mean(ts):.2f}ms\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" print(result) self.assertLess(max(ts), 250.) self.assertLess(np.mean(ts), 10.) #self.assertLess(np.std(ts), 5.) # some slow frames are expected since camerad/modeld can preempt ui veryslow = [x for x in ts if x > 40.] assert len(veryslow) < 5, f"Too many slow frame draw times: {veryslow}"
[docs] def test_cpu_usage(self): result = "\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" result += "------------------ CPU Usage -------------------\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" plogs_by_proc = defaultdict(list) for pl in self.service_msgs['procLog']: for x in pl.procLog.procs: if len(x.cmdline) > 0: n = list(x.cmdline)[0] plogs_by_proc[n].append(x) print(plogs_by_proc.keys()) cpu_ok = True dt = (self.service_msgs['procLog'][-1].logMonoTime - self.service_msgs['procLog'][0].logMonoTime) / 1e9 for proc_name, expected_cpu in PROCS.items(): err = "" cpu_usage = 0. x = plogs_by_proc[proc_name] if len(x) > 2: cpu_time = cputime_total(x[-1]) - cputime_total(x[0]) cpu_usage = cpu_time / dt * 100. if isinstance(expected_cpu, tuple): exp = str(expected_cpu) minn, maxx = expected_cpu else: exp = f"{expected_cpu:5.2f}" minn = min(expected_cpu * 0.65, max(expected_cpu - 1.0, 0.0)) maxx = max(expected_cpu * 1.15, expected_cpu + 5.0) if cpu_usage > maxx: err = "using more CPU than expected" elif cpu_usage < minn: err = "using less CPU than expected" else: err = "NO METRICS FOUND" result += f"{proc_name.ljust(35)} {cpu_usage:5.2f}% ({exp}%) {err}\n" if len(err) > 0: cpu_ok = False result += "------------------------------------------------\n" # Ensure there's no missing procs all_procs = { for p in self.service_msgs['managerState'][0].managerState.processes if p.shouldBeRunning} for p in all_procs: with self.subTest(proc=p): assert any(p in pp for pp in PROCS.keys()), f"Expected CPU usage missing for {p}" # total CPU check procs_tot = sum([(max(x) if isinstance(x, tuple) else x) for x in PROCS.values()]) with self.subTest(name="total CPU"): assert procs_tot < MAX_TOTAL_CPU, "Total CPU budget exceeded" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" result += f"Total allocated CPU usage is {procs_tot}%, budget is {MAX_TOTAL_CPU}%, {MAX_TOTAL_CPU-procs_tot:.1f}% left\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" print(result) self.assertTrue(cpu_ok)
[docs] def test_memory_usage(self): mems = [m.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent for m in self.service_msgs['deviceState']] print("Memory usage: ", mems) # check for big leaks. note that memory usage is # expected to go up while the MSGQ buffers fill up self.assertLessEqual(max(mems) - min(mems), 3.0)
[docs] def test_gpu_usage(self): self.assertEqual(self.gpu_procs, {"weston", "ui", "camerad", "selfdrive.modeld.modeld"})
[docs] def test_camera_processing_time(self): result = "\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" result += "-------------- ImgProc Timing ------------------\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" ts = [getattr(m, m.which()).processingTime for m in if 'CameraState' in m.which()] self.assertLess(min(ts), 0.025, f"high execution time: {min(ts)}") result += f"execution time: min {min(ts):.5f}s\n" result += f"execution time: max {max(ts):.5f}s\n" result += f"execution time: mean {np.mean(ts):.5f}s\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" print(result)
[docs] @unittest.skip("TODO: enable once timings are fixed") def test_camera_frame_timings(self): result = "\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" result += "----------------- SoF Timing ------------------\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" for name in ['roadCameraState', 'wideRoadCameraState', 'driverCameraState']: ts = [getattr(m, m.which()).timestampSof for m in if name in m.which()] d_ms = np.diff(ts) / 1e6 d50 = np.abs(d_ms-50) self.assertLess(max(d50), 1.0, f"high sof delta vs 50ms: {max(d50)}") result += f"{name} sof delta vs 50ms: min {min(d50):.5f}s\n" result += f"{name} sof delta vs 50ms: max {max(d50):.5f}s\n" result += f"{name} sof delta vs 50ms: mean {d50.mean():.5f}s\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" print(result)
[docs] def test_mpc_execution_timings(self): result = "\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" result += "----------------- MPC Timing ------------------\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" cfgs = [("longitudinalPlan", 0.05, 0.05),] for (s, instant_max, avg_max) in cfgs: ts = [getattr(m, s).solverExecutionTime for m in self.service_msgs[s]] self.assertLess(max(ts), instant_max, f"high '{s}' execution time: {max(ts)}") self.assertLess(np.mean(ts), avg_max, f"high avg '{s}' execution time: {np.mean(ts)}") result += f"'{s}' execution time: min {min(ts):.5f}s\n" result += f"'{s}' execution time: max {max(ts):.5f}s\n" result += f"'{s}' execution time: mean {np.mean(ts):.5f}s\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" print(result)
[docs] def test_model_execution_timings(self): result = "\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" result += "----------------- Model Timing -----------------\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" # TODO: this went up when plannerd cpu usage increased, why? cfgs = [ ("modelV2", 0.050, 0.036), ("driverStateV2", 0.050, 0.026), ] for (s, instant_max, avg_max) in cfgs: ts = [getattr(m, s).modelExecutionTime for m in self.service_msgs[s]] self.assertLess(max(ts), instant_max, f"high '{s}' execution time: {max(ts)}") self.assertLess(np.mean(ts), avg_max, f"high avg '{s}' execution time: {np.mean(ts)}") result += f"'{s}' execution time: min {min(ts):.5f}s\n" result += f"'{s}' execution time: max {max(ts):.5f}s\n" result += f"'{s}' execution time: mean {np.mean(ts):.5f}s\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" print(result)
[docs] def test_timings(self): passed = True result = "\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" result += "----------------- Service Timings --------------\n" result += "------------------------------------------------\n" for s, (maxmin, rsd) in TIMINGS.items(): msgs = [m.logMonoTime for m in self.service_msgs[s]] if not len(msgs): raise Exception(f"missing {s}") ts = np.diff(msgs) / 1e9 dt = 1 / SERVICE_LIST[s].frequency try: np.testing.assert_allclose(np.mean(ts), dt, rtol=0.03, err_msg=f"{s} - failed mean timing check") np.testing.assert_allclose([np.max(ts), np.min(ts)], dt, rtol=maxmin, err_msg=f"{s} - failed max/min timing check") except Exception as e: result += str(e) + "\n" passed = False if np.std(ts) / dt > rsd: result += f"{s} - failed RSD timing check\n" passed = False result += f"{s.ljust(40)}: {np.array([np.mean(ts), np.max(ts), np.min(ts)])*1e3}\n" result += f"{''.ljust(40)} {np.max(np.absolute([np.max(ts)/dt, np.min(ts)/dt]))} {np.std(ts)/dt}\n" result += "="*67 print(result) self.assertTrue(passed)
[docs] @release_only def test_startup(self): startup_alert = None for msg in self.lrs[0]: # can't use onroadEvents because the first msg can be dropped while loggerd is starting up if msg.which() == "controlsState": startup_alert = msg.controlsState.alertText1 break expected = EVENTS[car.CarEvent.EventName.startup][ET.PERMANENT].alert_text_1 self.assertEqual(startup_alert, expected, "wrong startup alert")
[docs] def test_engagable(self): no_entries = Counter() for m in self.service_msgs['onroadEvents']: for evt in m.onroadEvents: if evt.noEntry: no_entries[] += 1 eng = [m.controlsState.engageable for m in self.service_msgs['controlsState']] assert all(eng), \ f"Not engageable for whole segment:\n- controlsState.engageable: {Counter(eng)}\n- No entry events: {no_entries}"
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()