Source code for system.loggerd.tests.test_encoder

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
import os
import pytest
import random
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
import unittest
from pathlib import Path

from parameterized import parameterized
from tqdm import trange

from openpilot.common.params import Params
from openpilot.common.timeout import Timeout
from openpilot.system.hardware import TICI
from openpilot.selfdrive.manager.process_config import managed_processes
from import LogReader
from openpilot.system.hardware.hw import Paths

FULL_SIZE = 2507572
  ("fcamera.hevc", 20, FULL_SIZE, "roadEncodeIdx"),
  ("dcamera.hevc", 20, FULL_SIZE, "driverEncodeIdx"),
  ("ecamera.hevc", 20, FULL_SIZE, "wideRoadEncodeIdx"),
  ("qcamera.ts", 20, 130000, None),

# we check frame count, so we don't have to be too strict on size

[docs] @pytest.mark.tici # TODO: all of loggerd should work on PC class TestEncoder(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self._clear_logs() os.environ["LOGGERD_TEST"] = "1" os.environ["LOGGERD_SEGMENT_LENGTH"] = str(SEGMENT_LENGTH)
[docs] def tearDown(self): self._clear_logs()
def _clear_logs(self): if os.path.exists(Paths.log_root()): shutil.rmtree(Paths.log_root()) def _get_latest_segment_path(self): last_route = sorted(Path(Paths.log_root()).iterdir())[-1] return os.path.join(Paths.log_root(), last_route) # TODO: this should run faster than real time @parameterized.expand([(True, ), (False, )]) def test_log_rotation(self, record_front): Params().put_bool("RecordFront", record_front) managed_processes['sensord'].start() managed_processes['loggerd'].start() managed_processes['encoderd'].start() time.sleep(1.0) managed_processes['camerad'].start() num_segments = int(os.getenv("SEGMENTS", random.randint(10, 15))) # wait for loggerd to make the dir for first segment route_prefix_path = None with Timeout(int(SEGMENT_LENGTH*3)): while route_prefix_path is None: try: route_prefix_path = self._get_latest_segment_path().rsplit("--", 1)[0] except Exception: time.sleep(0.1) def check_seg(i): # check each camera file size counts = [] first_frames = [] for camera, fps, size, encode_idx_name in CAMERAS: if not record_front and "dcamera" in camera: continue file_path = f"{route_prefix_path}--{i}/{camera}" # check file exists self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(file_path), f"segment #{i}: '{file_path}' missing") # TODO: this ffprobe call is really slow # check frame count cmd = f"ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -count_packets -show_entries stream=nb_read_packets -of csv=p=0 {file_path}" if TICI: cmd = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib " + cmd expected_frames = fps * SEGMENT_LENGTH probe = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, encoding='utf8') frame_count = int(probe.split('\n')[0].strip()) counts.append(frame_count) self.assertEqual(frame_count, expected_frames, f"segment #{i}: {camera} failed frame count check: expected {expected_frames}, got {frame_count}") # sanity check file size file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) self.assertTrue(math.isclose(file_size, size, rel_tol=FILE_SIZE_TOLERANCE), f"{file_path} size {file_size} isn't close to target size {size}") # Check encodeIdx if encode_idx_name is not None: rlog_path = f"{route_prefix_path}--{i}/rlog" msgs = [m for m in LogReader(rlog_path) if m.which() == encode_idx_name] encode_msgs = [getattr(m, encode_idx_name) for m in msgs] valid = [m.valid for m in msgs] segment_idxs = [m.segmentId for m in encode_msgs] encode_idxs = [m.encodeId for m in encode_msgs] frame_idxs = [m.frameId for m in encode_msgs] # Check frame count self.assertEqual(frame_count, len(segment_idxs)) self.assertEqual(frame_count, len(encode_idxs)) # Check for duplicates or skips self.assertEqual(0, segment_idxs[0]) self.assertEqual(len(set(segment_idxs)), len(segment_idxs)) self.assertTrue(all(valid)) self.assertEqual(expected_frames * i, encode_idxs[0]) first_frames.append(frame_idxs[0]) self.assertEqual(len(set(encode_idxs)), len(encode_idxs)) self.assertEqual(1, len(set(first_frames))) if TICI: expected_frames = fps * SEGMENT_LENGTH self.assertEqual(min(counts), expected_frames) shutil.rmtree(f"{route_prefix_path}--{i}") try: for i in trange(num_segments): # poll for next segment with Timeout(int(SEGMENT_LENGTH*10), error_msg=f"timed out waiting for segment {i}"): while Path(f"{route_prefix_path}--{i+1}") not in Path(Paths.log_root()).iterdir(): time.sleep(0.1) check_seg(i) finally: managed_processes['loggerd'].stop() managed_processes['encoderd'].stop() managed_processes['camerad'].stop() managed_processes['sensord'].stop()
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()