Source code for system.loggerd.tests.test_loggerd

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import os
import re
import random
import string
import subprocess
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from flaky import flaky

import cereal.messaging as messaging
from cereal import log
from import SERVICE_LIST
from openpilot.common.basedir import BASEDIR
from openpilot.common.params import Params
from openpilot.common.timeout import Timeout
from openpilot.system.hardware.hw import Paths
from openpilot.system.loggerd.xattr_cache import getxattr
from openpilot.system.loggerd.deleter import PRESERVE_ATTR_NAME, PRESERVE_ATTR_VALUE
from openpilot.selfdrive.manager.process_config import managed_processes
from openpilot.system.version import get_version
from import RE
from import LogReader
from cereal.visionipc import VisionIpcServer, VisionStreamType
from import DEVICE_CAMERAS

SentinelType = log.Sentinel.SentinelType

CEREAL_SERVICES = [f for f in log.Event.schema.union_fields if f in SERVICE_LIST
                   and SERVICE_LIST[f].should_log and "encode" not in f.lower()]

[docs] class TestLoggerd: def _get_latest_log_dir(self): log_dirs = sorted(Path(Paths.log_root()).iterdir(), key=lambda f: f.stat().st_mtime) return log_dirs[-1] def _get_log_dir(self, x): for l in x.splitlines(): for p in l.split(' '): path = Path(p.strip()) if path.is_dir(): return path return None def _get_log_fn(self, x): for l in x.splitlines(): for p in l.split(' '): path = Path(p.strip()) if path.is_file(): return path return None def _gen_bootlog(self): with Timeout(5): out = subprocess.check_output("./bootlog", cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "system/loggerd"), encoding='utf-8') log_fn = self._get_log_fn(out) # check existence assert log_fn is not None return log_fn def _check_init_data(self, msgs): msg = msgs[0] assert msg.which() == 'initData' def _check_sentinel(self, msgs, route): start_type = SentinelType.startOfRoute if route else SentinelType.startOfSegment assert msgs[1].sentinel.type == start_type end_type = SentinelType.endOfRoute if route else SentinelType.endOfSegment assert msgs[-1].sentinel.type == end_type def _publish_random_messages(self, services: list[str]) -> dict[str, list]: pm = messaging.PubMaster(services) managed_processes["loggerd"].start() for s in services: assert pm.wait_for_readers_to_update(s, timeout=5) sent_msgs = defaultdict(list) for _ in range(random.randint(2, 10) * 100): for s in services: try: m = messaging.new_message(s) except Exception: m = messaging.new_message(s, random.randint(2, 10)) pm.send(s, m) sent_msgs[s].append(m) for s in services: assert pm.wait_for_readers_to_update(s, timeout=5) managed_processes["loggerd"].stop() return sent_msgs
[docs] def test_init_data_values(self): os.environ["CLEAN"] = random.choice(["0", "1"]) dongle = ''.join(random.choice(string.printable) for n in range(random.randint(1, 100))) fake_params = [ # param, initData field, value ("DongleId", "dongleId", dongle), ("GitCommit", "gitCommit", "commit"), ("GitCommitDate", "gitCommitDate", "date"), ("GitBranch", "gitBranch", "branch"), ("GitRemote", "gitRemote", "remote"), ] params = Params() for k, _, v in fake_params: params.put(k, v) params.put("AccessToken", "abc") lr = list(LogReader(str(self._gen_bootlog()))) initData = lr[0].initData assert initData.dirty != bool(os.environ["CLEAN"]) assert initData.version == get_version() if os.path.isfile("/proc/cmdline"): with open("/proc/cmdline") as f: assert list(initData.kernelArgs) ==" ") with open("/proc/version") as f: assert initData.kernelVersion == # check params logged_params = {entry.key: entry.value for entry in initData.params.entries} expected_params = {k for k, _, __ in fake_params} | {'AccessToken', 'BootCount'} assert set(logged_params.keys()) == expected_params, set(logged_params.keys()) ^ expected_params assert logged_params['AccessToken'] == b'', f"DONT_LOG param value was logged: {repr(logged_params['AccessToken'])}" for param_key, initData_key, v in fake_params: assert getattr(initData, initData_key) == v assert logged_params[param_key].decode() == v
[docs] @flaky(max_runs=3) def test_rotation(self): os.environ["LOGGERD_TEST"] = "1" Params().put("RecordFront", "1") d = DEVICE_CAMERAS[("tici", "ar0231")] expected_files = {"rlog", "qlog", "qcamera.ts", "fcamera.hevc", "dcamera.hevc", "ecamera.hevc"} streams = [(VisionStreamType.VISION_STREAM_ROAD, (d.fcam.width, d.fcam.height, 2048*2346, 2048, 2048*1216), "roadCameraState"), (VisionStreamType.VISION_STREAM_DRIVER, (d.dcam.width, d.dcam.height, 2048*2346, 2048, 2048*1216), "driverCameraState"), (VisionStreamType.VISION_STREAM_WIDE_ROAD, (d.ecam.width, d.ecam.height, 2048*2346, 2048, 2048*1216), "wideRoadCameraState")] pm = messaging.PubMaster(["roadCameraState", "driverCameraState", "wideRoadCameraState"]) vipc_server = VisionIpcServer("camerad") for stream_type, frame_spec, _ in streams: vipc_server.create_buffers_with_sizes(stream_type, 40, False, *(frame_spec)) vipc_server.start_listener() num_segs = random.randint(2, 5) length = random.randint(1, 3) os.environ["LOGGERD_SEGMENT_LENGTH"] = str(length) managed_processes["loggerd"].start() managed_processes["encoderd"].start() assert pm.wait_for_readers_to_update("roadCameraState", timeout=5) fps = 20.0 for n in range(1, int(num_segs*length*fps)+1): for stream_type, frame_spec, state in streams: dat = np.empty(frame_spec[2], dtype=np.uint8) vipc_server.send(stream_type, dat[:].flatten().tobytes(), n, n/fps, n/fps) camera_state = messaging.new_message(state) frame = getattr(camera_state, state) frame.frameId = n pm.send(state, camera_state) for _, _, state in streams: assert pm.wait_for_readers_to_update(state, timeout=5, dt=0.001) managed_processes["loggerd"].stop() managed_processes["encoderd"].stop() route_path = str(self._get_latest_log_dir()).rsplit("--", 1)[0] for n in range(num_segs): p = Path(f"{route_path}--{n}") logged = { for f in p.iterdir() if f.is_file()} diff = logged ^ expected_files assert len(diff) == 0, f"didn't get all expected files. run={_} seg={n} {route_path=}, {diff=}\n{logged=} {expected_files=}"
[docs] def test_bootlog(self): # generate bootlog with fake launch log launch_log = ''.join(str(random.choice(string.printable)) for _ in range(100)) with open("/tmp/launch_log", "w") as f: f.write(launch_log) bootlog_path = self._gen_bootlog() lr = list(LogReader(str(bootlog_path))) # check length assert len(lr) == 2 # boot + initData self._check_init_data(lr) # check msgs bootlog_msgs = [m for m in lr if m.which() == 'boot'] assert len(bootlog_msgs) == 1 # sanity check values boot = bootlog_msgs.pop().boot assert abs(boot.wallTimeNanos - time.time_ns()) < 5*1e9 # within 5s assert boot.launchLog == launch_log for fn in ["console-ramoops", "pmsg-ramoops-0"]: path = Path(os.path.join("/sys/fs/pstore/", fn)) if path.is_file(): with open(path, "rb") as f: expected_val = bootlog_val = [e.value for e in boot.pstore.entries if e.key == fn][0] assert expected_val == bootlog_val # next one should increment by one bl1 = re.match(RE.LOG_ID_V2, bl2 = re.match(RE.LOG_ID_V2, self._gen_bootlog().name) assert'uid') !='uid') assert int('count')) == 0 and int('count')) == 1
[docs] def test_qlog(self): qlog_services = [s for s in CEREAL_SERVICES if SERVICE_LIST[s].decimation is not None] no_qlog_services = [s for s in CEREAL_SERVICES if SERVICE_LIST[s].decimation is None] services = random.sample(qlog_services, random.randint(2, min(10, len(qlog_services)))) + \ random.sample(no_qlog_services, random.randint(2, min(10, len(no_qlog_services)))) sent_msgs = self._publish_random_messages(services) qlog_path = os.path.join(self._get_latest_log_dir(), "qlog") lr = list(LogReader(qlog_path)) # check initData and sentinel self._check_init_data(lr) self._check_sentinel(lr, True) recv_msgs = defaultdict(list) for m in lr: recv_msgs[m.which()].append(m) for s, msgs in sent_msgs.items(): recv_cnt = len(recv_msgs[s]) if s in no_qlog_services: # check services with no specific decimation aren't in qlog assert recv_cnt == 0, f"got {recv_cnt} {s} msgs in qlog" else: # check logged message count matches decimation expected_cnt = (len(msgs) - 1) // SERVICE_LIST[s].decimation + 1 assert recv_cnt == expected_cnt, f"expected {expected_cnt} msgs for {s}, got {recv_cnt}"
[docs] def test_rlog(self): services = random.sample(CEREAL_SERVICES, random.randint(5, 10)) sent_msgs = self._publish_random_messages(services) lr = list(LogReader(os.path.join(self._get_latest_log_dir(), "rlog"))) # check initData and sentinel self._check_init_data(lr) self._check_sentinel(lr, True) # check all messages were logged and in order lr = lr[2:-1] # slice off initData and both sentinels for m in lr: sent = sent_msgs[m.which()].pop(0) sent.clear_write_flag() assert sent.to_bytes() == m.as_builder().to_bytes()
[docs] def test_preserving_flagged_segments(self): services = set(random.sample(CEREAL_SERVICES, random.randint(5, 10))) | {"userFlag"} self._publish_random_messages(services) segment_dir = self._get_latest_log_dir() assert getxattr(segment_dir, PRESERVE_ATTR_NAME) == PRESERVE_ATTR_VALUE
[docs] def test_not_preserving_unflagged_segments(self): services = set(random.sample(CEREAL_SERVICES, random.randint(5, 10))) - {"userFlag"} self._publish_random_messages(services) segment_dir = self._get_latest_log_dir() assert getxattr(segment_dir, PRESERVE_ATTR_NAME) is None