Source code for tools.replay.ui

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import os
import sys

import cv2
import numpy as np
import pygame

import cereal.messaging as messaging
from openpilot.common.numpy_fast import clip
from openpilot.common.basedir import BASEDIR
from import DEVICE_CAMERAS
from import (UP,
                                         BLACK, GREEN,
                                         YELLOW, Calibration,
                                         get_blank_lid_overlay, init_plots,
                                         maybe_update_radar_points, plot_lead,
from cereal.visionipc import VisionIpcClient, VisionStreamType

os.environ['BASEDIR'] = BASEDIR


[docs] def ui_thread(addr): cv2.setNumThreads(1) pygame.init() pygame.font.init() assert pygame_modules_have_loaded() disp_info = pygame.display.Info() max_height = disp_info.current_h hor_mode = os.getenv("HORIZONTAL") is not None hor_mode = True if max_height < 960+300 else hor_mode if hor_mode: size = (640+384+640, 960) write_x = 5 write_y = 680 else: size = (640+384, 960+300) write_x = 645 write_y = 970 pygame.display.set_caption("openpilot debug UI") screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size, pygame.DOUBLEBUF) alert1_font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 30) alert2_font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 20) info_font = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", 15) camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((640, 480), 0, 24).convert() top_down_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((UP.lidar_x, UP.lidar_y), 0, 8) sm = messaging.SubMaster(['carState', 'longitudinalPlan', 'carControl', 'radarState', 'liveCalibration', 'controlsState', 'liveTracks', 'modelV2', 'liveParameters', 'roadCameraState'], addr=addr) img = np.zeros((480, 640, 3), dtype='uint8') imgff = None num_px = 0 calibration = None lid_overlay_blank = get_blank_lid_overlay(UP) # plots name_to_arr_idx = { "gas": 0, "computer_gas": 1, "user_brake": 2, "computer_brake": 3, "v_ego": 4, "v_pid": 5, "angle_steers_des": 6, "angle_steers": 7, "angle_steers_k": 8, "steer_torque": 9, "v_override": 10, "v_cruise": 11, "a_ego": 12, "a_target": 13} plot_arr = np.zeros((100, len(name_to_arr_idx.values()))) plot_xlims = [(0, plot_arr.shape[0]), (0, plot_arr.shape[0]), (0, plot_arr.shape[0]), (0, plot_arr.shape[0])] plot_ylims = [(-0.1, 1.1), (-ANGLE_SCALE, ANGLE_SCALE), (0., 75.), (-3.0, 2.0)] plot_names = [["gas", "computer_gas", "user_brake", "computer_brake"], ["angle_steers", "angle_steers_des", "angle_steers_k", "steer_torque"], ["v_ego", "v_override", "v_pid", "v_cruise"], ["a_ego", "a_target"]] plot_colors = [["b", "b", "g", "r", "y"], ["b", "g", "y", "r"], ["b", "g", "r", "y"], ["b", "r"]] plot_styles = [["-", "-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-", "-", "-"], ["-", "-"]] draw_plots = init_plots(plot_arr, name_to_arr_idx, plot_xlims, plot_ylims, plot_names, plot_colors, plot_styles) vipc_client = VisionIpcClient("camerad", VisionStreamType.VISION_STREAM_ROAD, True) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() screen.fill((64, 64, 64)) lid_overlay = lid_overlay_blank.copy() top_down = top_down_surface, lid_overlay # ***** frame ***** if not vipc_client.is_connected(): vipc_client.connect(True) yuv_img_raw = vipc_client.recv() if yuv_img_raw is None or not continue sm.update(0) camera = DEVICE_CAMERAS[("tici", str(sm['roadCameraState'].sensor))] imgff = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8).reshape((len( // vipc_client.stride, vipc_client.stride)) num_px = vipc_client.width * vipc_client.height rgb = cv2.cvtColor(imgff[:vipc_client.height * 3 // 2, :vipc_client.width], cv2.COLOR_YUV2RGB_NV12) qcam = "QCAM" in os.environ bb_scale = (528 if qcam else camera.fcam.width) / 640. calib_scale = camera.fcam.width / 640. zoom_matrix = np.asarray([ [bb_scale, 0., 0.], [0., bb_scale, 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) cv2.warpAffine(rgb, zoom_matrix[:2], (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), dst=img, flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP) intrinsic_matrix = camera.fcam.intrinsics w = sm['controlsState'].lateralControlState.which() if w == 'lqrStateDEPRECATED': angle_steers_k = sm['controlsState'].lateralControlState.lqrStateDEPRECATED.steeringAngleDeg elif w == 'indiState': angle_steers_k = sm['controlsState'].lateralControlState.indiState.steeringAngleDeg else: angle_steers_k = np.inf plot_arr[:-1] = plot_arr[1:] plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['angle_steers']] = sm['carState'].steeringAngleDeg plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['angle_steers_des']] = sm['carControl'].actuators.steeringAngleDeg plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['angle_steers_k']] = angle_steers_k plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['gas']] = sm['carState'].gas # TODO gas is deprecated plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['computer_gas']] = clip(sm['carControl'].actuators.accel/4.0, 0.0, 1.0) plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['user_brake']] = sm['carState'].brake plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['steer_torque']] = sm['carControl'].actuators.steer * ANGLE_SCALE # TODO brake is deprecated plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['computer_brake']] = clip(-sm['carControl'].actuators.accel/4.0, 0.0, 1.0) plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['v_ego']] = sm['carState'].vEgo plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['v_pid']] = sm['controlsState'].vPid plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['v_cruise']] = sm['carState'].cruiseState.speed plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['a_ego']] = sm['carState'].aEgo if len(sm['longitudinalPlan'].accels): plot_arr[-1, name_to_arr_idx['a_target']] = sm['longitudinalPlan'].accels[0] if sm.recv_frame['modelV2']: plot_model(sm['modelV2'], img, calibration, top_down) if sm.recv_frame['radarState']: plot_lead(sm['radarState'], top_down) # draw all radar points maybe_update_radar_points(sm['liveTracks'], top_down[1]) if sm.updated['liveCalibration'] and num_px: rpyCalib = np.asarray(sm['liveCalibration'].rpyCalib) calibration = Calibration(num_px, rpyCalib, intrinsic_matrix, calib_scale) # *** blits *** pygame.surfarray.blit_array(camera_surface, img.swapaxes(0, 1)) screen.blit(camera_surface, (0, 0)) # display alerts alert_line1 = alert1_font.render(sm['controlsState'].alertText1, True, (255, 0, 0)) alert_line2 = alert2_font.render(sm['controlsState'].alertText2, True, (255, 0, 0)) screen.blit(alert_line1, (180, 150)) screen.blit(alert_line2, (180, 190)) if hor_mode: screen.blit(draw_plots(plot_arr), (640+384, 0)) else: screen.blit(draw_plots(plot_arr), (0, 600)) pygame.surfarray.blit_array(*top_down) screen.blit(top_down[0], (640, 0)) SPACING = 25 lines = [ info_font.render("ENABLED", True, GREEN if sm['controlsState'].enabled else BLACK), info_font.render("SPEED: " + str(round(sm['carState'].vEgo, 1)) + " m/s", True, YELLOW), info_font.render("LONG CONTROL STATE: " + str(sm['controlsState'].longControlState), True, YELLOW), info_font.render("LONG MPC SOURCE: " + str(sm['longitudinalPlan'].longitudinalPlanSource), True, YELLOW), None, info_font.render("ANGLE OFFSET (AVG): " + str(round(sm['liveParameters'].angleOffsetAverageDeg, 2)) + " deg", True, YELLOW), info_font.render("ANGLE OFFSET (INSTANT): " + str(round(sm['liveParameters'].angleOffsetDeg, 2)) + " deg", True, YELLOW), info_font.render("STIFFNESS: " + str(round(sm['liveParameters'].stiffnessFactor * 100., 2)) + " %", True, YELLOW), info_font.render("STEER RATIO: " + str(round(sm['liveParameters'].steerRatio, 2)), True, YELLOW) ] for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line is not None: screen.blit(line, (write_x, write_y + i * SPACING)) # this takes time...vsync or something pygame.display.flip()
[docs] def get_arg_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Show replay data in a UI.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("ip_address", nargs="?", default="", help="The ip address on which to receive zmq messages.") parser.add_argument("--frame-address", default=None, help="The frame address (fully qualified ZMQ endpoint for frames) on which to receive zmq messages.") return parser
if __name__ == "__main__": args = get_arg_parser().parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if args.ip_address != "": os.environ["ZMQ"] = "1" messaging.context = messaging.Context() ui_thread(args.ip_address)