Source code for cereal.messaging.tests.test_messaging

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import capnp
import multiprocessing
import numbers
import random
import threading
import time
import unittest
from parameterized import parameterized

from cereal import log, car
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from import SERVICE_LIST

events = [evt for evt in log.Event.schema.union_fields if evt in SERVICE_LIST.keys()]

[docs] def random_sock(): return random.choice(events)
[docs] def random_socks(num_socks=10): return list({random_sock() for _ in range(num_socks)})
[docs] def random_bytes(length=1000): return bytes([random.randrange(0xFF) for _ in range(length)])
[docs] def zmq_sleep(t=1): if "ZMQ" in os.environ: time.sleep(t)
[docs] def zmq_expected_failure(func): if "ZMQ" in os.environ: return unittest.expectedFailure(func) else: return func
# TODO: this should take any capnp struct and returrn a msg with random populated data
[docs] def random_carstate(): fields = ["vEgo", "aEgo", "gas", "steeringAngleDeg"] msg = messaging.new_message("carState") cs = msg.carState for f in fields: setattr(cs, f, random.random() * 10) return msg
# TODO: this should compare any capnp structs
[docs] def assert_carstate(cs1, cs2): for f in car.CarState.schema.non_union_fields: # TODO: check all types val1, val2 = getattr(cs1, f), getattr(cs2, f) if isinstance(val1, numbers.Number): assert val1 == val2, f"{f}: sent '{val1}' vs recvd '{val2}'"
[docs] def delayed_send(delay, sock, dat): def send_func(): sock.send(dat) threading.Timer(delay, send_func).start()
[docs] class TestPubSubSockets(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): # ZMQ pub socket takes too long to die # sleep to prevent multiple publishers error between tests zmq_sleep()
[docs] def test_pub_sub(self): sock = random_sock() pub_sock = messaging.pub_sock(sock) sub_sock = messaging.sub_sock(sock, conflate=False, timeout=None) zmq_sleep(3) for _ in range(1000): msg = random_bytes() pub_sock.send(msg) recvd = sub_sock.receive() self.assertEqual(msg, recvd)
[docs] def test_conflate(self): sock = random_sock() pub_sock = messaging.pub_sock(sock) for conflate in [True, False]: for _ in range(10): num_msgs = random.randint(3, 10) sub_sock = messaging.sub_sock(sock, conflate=conflate, timeout=None) zmq_sleep() sent_msgs = [] for __ in range(num_msgs): msg = random_bytes() pub_sock.send(msg) sent_msgs.append(msg) time.sleep(0.1) recvd_msgs = messaging.drain_sock_raw(sub_sock) if conflate: self.assertEqual(len(recvd_msgs), 1) else: # TODO: compare actual data self.assertEqual(len(recvd_msgs), len(sent_msgs))
[docs] def test_receive_timeout(self): sock = random_sock() for _ in range(10): timeout = random.randrange(200) sub_sock = messaging.sub_sock(sock, timeout=timeout) zmq_sleep() start_time = time.monotonic() recvd = sub_sock.receive() self.assertLess(time.monotonic() - start_time, 0.2) assert recvd is None
[docs] class TestMessaging(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): # TODO: ZMQ tests are too slow; all sleeps will need to be # replaced with logic to block on the necessary condition if "ZMQ" in os.environ: raise unittest.SkipTest # ZMQ pub socket takes too long to die # sleep to prevent multiple publishers error between tests zmq_sleep()
@parameterized.expand(events) def test_new_message(self, evt): try: msg = messaging.new_message(evt) except capnp.lib.capnp.KjException: msg = messaging.new_message(evt, random.randrange(200)) self.assertLess(time.monotonic() - msg.logMonoTime, 0.1) self.assertFalse(msg.valid) self.assertEqual(evt, msg.which()) @parameterized.expand(events) def test_pub_sock(self, evt): messaging.pub_sock(evt) @parameterized.expand(events) def test_sub_sock(self, evt): messaging.sub_sock(evt) @parameterized.expand([ (messaging.drain_sock, capnp._DynamicStructReader), (messaging.drain_sock_raw, bytes), ]) def test_drain_sock(self, func, expected_type): sock = "carState" pub_sock = messaging.pub_sock(sock) sub_sock = messaging.sub_sock(sock, timeout=1000) zmq_sleep() # no wait and no msgs in queue msgs = func(sub_sock) self.assertIsInstance(msgs, list) self.assertEqual(len(msgs), 0) # no wait but msgs are queued up num_msgs = random.randrange(3, 10) for _ in range(num_msgs): pub_sock.send(messaging.new_message(sock).to_bytes()) time.sleep(0.1) msgs = func(sub_sock) self.assertIsInstance(msgs, list) self.assertTrue(all(isinstance(msg, expected_type) for msg in msgs)) self.assertEqual(len(msgs), num_msgs)
[docs] def test_recv_sock(self): sock = "carState" pub_sock = messaging.pub_sock(sock) sub_sock = messaging.sub_sock(sock, timeout=100) zmq_sleep() # no wait and no msg in queue, socket should timeout recvd = messaging.recv_sock(sub_sock) self.assertTrue(recvd is None) # no wait and one msg in queue msg = random_carstate() pub_sock.send(msg.to_bytes()) time.sleep(0.01) recvd = messaging.recv_sock(sub_sock) self.assertIsInstance(recvd, capnp._DynamicStructReader) # assert_carstate(msg.carState, recvd.carState) # type: ignore[union-attr]
[docs] def test_recv_one(self): sock = "carState" pub_sock = messaging.pub_sock(sock) sub_sock = messaging.sub_sock(sock, timeout=1000) zmq_sleep() # no msg in queue, socket should timeout recvd = messaging.recv_one(sub_sock) self.assertTrue(recvd is None) # one msg in queue msg = random_carstate() pub_sock.send(msg.to_bytes()) recvd = messaging.recv_one(sub_sock) self.assertIsInstance(recvd, capnp._DynamicStructReader) assert_carstate(msg.carState, recvd.carState) # type: ignore[union-attr]
[docs] @zmq_expected_failure def test_recv_one_or_none(self): sock = "carState" pub_sock = messaging.pub_sock(sock) sub_sock = messaging.sub_sock(sock) zmq_sleep() # no msg in queue, socket shouldn't block recvd = messaging.recv_one_or_none(sub_sock) self.assertTrue(recvd is None) # one msg in queue msg = random_carstate() pub_sock.send(msg.to_bytes()) recvd = messaging.recv_one_or_none(sub_sock) self.assertIsInstance(recvd, capnp._DynamicStructReader) assert_carstate(msg.carState, recvd.carState) # type: ignore[union-attr]
[docs] def test_recv_one_retry(self): sock = "carState" sock_timeout = 0.1 pub_sock = messaging.pub_sock(sock) sub_sock = messaging.sub_sock(sock, timeout=round(sock_timeout*1000)) zmq_sleep() # this test doesn't work with ZMQ since multiprocessing interrupts it if "ZMQ" not in os.environ: # wait 15 socket timeouts and make sure it's still retrying p = multiprocessing.Process(target=messaging.recv_one_retry, args=(sub_sock,)) p.start() time.sleep(sock_timeout*15) self.assertTrue(p.is_alive()) p.terminate() # wait 15 socket timeouts before sending msg = random_carstate() delayed_send(sock_timeout*15, pub_sock, msg.to_bytes()) start_time = time.monotonic() recvd = messaging.recv_one_retry(sub_sock) self.assertGreaterEqual(time.monotonic() - start_time, sock_timeout*15) self.assertIsInstance(recvd, capnp._DynamicStructReader) assert_carstate(msg.carState, recvd.carState)
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()