Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import Optional

RESERVED_PORT = 8022  # sshd

[docs] def new_port(port: int): port += STARTING_PORT return port + 1 if port >= RESERVED_PORT else port
[docs] class Service: def __init__(self, port: int, should_log: bool, frequency: float, decimation: Optional[int] = None): self.port = port self.should_log = should_log self.frequency = frequency self.decimation = decimation
services: dict[str, tuple] = { # service: (should_log, frequency, qlog decimation (optional)) # note: the "EncodeIdx" packets will still be in the log "gyroscope": (True, 104., 104), "gyroscope2": (True, 100., 100), "accelerometer": (True, 104., 104), "accelerometer2": (True, 100., 100), "magnetometer": (True, 25., 25), "lightSensor": (True, 100., 100), "temperatureSensor": (True, 2., 200), "temperatureSensor2": (True, 2., 200), "gpsNMEA": (True, 9.), "deviceState": (True, 2., 1), "can": (True, 100., 1223), # decimation gives ~5 msgs in a full segment "controlsState": (True, 100., 10), "pandaStates": (True, 10., 1), "peripheralState": (True, 2., 1), "radarState": (True, 20., 5), "roadEncodeIdx": (False, 20., 1), "liveTracks": (True, 20.), "sendcan": (True, 100., 139), "logMessage": (True, 0.), "errorLogMessage": (True, 0., 1), "liveCalibration": (True, 4., 4), "liveTorqueParameters": (True, 4., 1), "androidLog": (True, 0.), "carState": (True, 100., 10), "carControl": (True, 100., 10), "carOutput": (True, 100., 10), "longitudinalPlan": (True, 20., 5), "procLog": (True, 0.5, 15), "gpsLocationExternal": (True, 10., 10), "gpsLocation": (True, 1., 1), "ubloxGnss": (True, 10.), "qcomGnss": (True, 2.), "gnssMeasurements": (True, 10., 10), "clocks": (True, 0.1, 1), "ubloxRaw": (True, 20.), "liveLocationKalman": (True, 20., 5), "liveParameters": (True, 20., 5), "cameraOdometry": (True, 20., 5), "thumbnail": (True, 0.2, 1), "onroadEvents": (True, 1., 1), "carParams": (True, 0.02, 1), "roadCameraState": (True, 20., 20), "driverCameraState": (True, 20., 20), "driverEncodeIdx": (False, 20., 1), "driverStateV2": (True, 20., 10), "driverMonitoringState": (True, 20., 10), "wideRoadEncodeIdx": (False, 20., 1), "wideRoadCameraState": (True, 20., 20), "modelV2": (True, 20., 40), "managerState": (True, 2., 1), "uploaderState": (True, 0., 1), "navInstruction": (True, 1., 10), "navRoute": (True, 0.), "navThumbnail": (True, 0.), "uiPlan": (True, 20., 40.), "qRoadEncodeIdx": (False, 20.), "userFlag": (True, 0., 1), "microphone": (True, 10., 10), # debug "uiDebug": (True, 0., 1), "testJoystick": (True, 0.), "roadEncodeData": (False, 20.), "driverEncodeData": (False, 20.), "wideRoadEncodeData": (False, 20.), "qRoadEncodeData": (False, 20.), "livestreamWideRoadEncodeIdx": (False, 20.), "livestreamRoadEncodeIdx": (False, 20.), "livestreamDriverEncodeIdx": (False, 20.), "livestreamWideRoadEncodeData": (False, 20.), "livestreamRoadEncodeData": (False, 20.), "livestreamDriverEncodeData": (False, 20.), "customReservedRawData0": (True, 0.), "customReservedRawData1": (True, 0.), "customReservedRawData2": (True, 0.), } SERVICE_LIST = {name: Service(new_port(idx), *vals) for idx, (name, vals) in enumerate(services.items())}
[docs] def build_header(): h = "" h += "/* THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE, PLEASE EDIT */\n" h += "#ifndef __SERVICES_H\n" h += "#define __SERVICES_H\n" h += "#include <map>\n" h += "#include <string>\n" h += "struct service { std::string name; int port; bool should_log; int frequency; int decimation; };\n" h += "static std::map<std::string, service> services = {\n" for k, v in SERVICE_LIST.items(): should_log = "true" if v.should_log else "false" decimation = -1 if v.decimation is None else v.decimation h += ' { "%s", {"%s", %d, %s, %d, %d}},\n' % \ (k, k, v.port, should_log, v.frequency, decimation) h += "};\n" h += "#endif\n" return h
if __name__ == "__main__": print(build_header())