Source code for

from cereal import car
from import CanBusBase

HUDControl = car.CarControl.HUDControl

[docs] class CanBus(CanBusBase): def __init__(self, CP=None, fingerprint=None) -> None: super().__init__(CP, fingerprint) @property def main(self) -> int: return self.offset @property def radar(self) -> int: return self.offset + 1 @property def camera(self) -> int: return self.offset + 2
[docs] def calculate_lat_ctl2_checksum(mode: int, counter: int, dat: bytearray) -> int: curvature = (dat[2] << 3) | ((dat[3]) >> 5) curvature_rate = (dat[6] << 3) | ((dat[7]) >> 5) path_angle = ((dat[3] & 0x1F) << 6) | ((dat[4]) >> 2) path_offset = ((dat[4] & 0x3) << 8) | dat[5] checksum = mode + counter for sig_val in (curvature, curvature_rate, path_angle, path_offset): checksum += sig_val + (sig_val >> 8) return 0xFF - (checksum & 0xFF)
[docs] def create_lka_msg(packer, CAN: CanBus): """ Creates an empty CAN message for the Ford LKA Command. This command can apply "Lane Keeping Aid" manoeuvres, which are subject to the PSCM lockout. Frequency is 33Hz. """ return packer.make_can_msg("Lane_Assist_Data1", CAN.main, {})
[docs] def create_lat_ctl_msg(packer, CAN: CanBus, lat_active: bool, path_offset: float, path_angle: float, curvature: float, curvature_rate: float): """ Creates a CAN message for the Ford TJA/LCA Command. This command can apply "Lane Centering" manoeuvres: continuous lane centering for traffic jam assist and highway driving. It is not subject to the PSCM lockout. Ford lane centering command uses a third order polynomial to describe the road centerline. The polynomial is defined by the following coefficients: c0: lateral offset between the vehicle and the centerline (positive is right) c1: heading angle between the vehicle and the centerline (positive is right) c2: curvature of the centerline (positive is left) c3: rate of change of curvature of the centerline As the PSCM combines this information with other sensor data, such as the vehicle's yaw rate and speed, the steering angle cannot be easily controlled. The PSCM should be configured to accept TJA/LCA commands before these commands will be processed. This can be done using tools such as Forscan. Frequency is 20Hz. """ values = { "LatCtlRng_L_Max": 0, # Unknown [0|126] meter "HandsOffCnfm_B_Rq": 0, # Unknown: 0=Inactive, 1=Active [0|1] "LatCtl_D_Rq": 1 if lat_active else 0, # Mode: 0=None, 1=ContinuousPathFollowing, 2=InterventionLeft, # 3=InterventionRight, 4-7=NotUsed [0|7] "LatCtlRampType_D_Rq": 0, # Ramp speed: 0=Slow, 1=Medium, 2=Fast, 3=Immediate [0|3] # Makes no difference with curvature control "LatCtlPrecision_D_Rq": 1, # Precision: 0=Comfortable, 1=Precise, 2/3=NotUsed [0|3] # The stock system always uses comfortable "LatCtlPathOffst_L_Actl": path_offset, # Path offset [-5.12|5.11] meter "LatCtlPath_An_Actl": path_angle, # Path angle [-0.5|0.5235] radians "LatCtlCurv_NoRate_Actl": curvature_rate, # Curvature rate [-0.001024|0.00102375] 1/meter^2 "LatCtlCurv_No_Actl": curvature, # Curvature [-0.02|0.02094] 1/meter } return packer.make_can_msg("LateralMotionControl", CAN.main, values)
[docs] def create_lat_ctl2_msg(packer, CAN: CanBus, mode: int, path_offset: float, path_angle: float, curvature: float, curvature_rate: float, counter: int): """ Create a CAN message for the new Ford Lane Centering command. This message is used on the CAN FD platform and replaces the old LateralMotionControl message. It is similar but has additional signals for a counter and checksum. Frequency is 20Hz. """ values = { "LatCtl_D2_Rq": mode, # Mode: 0=None, 1=PathFollowingLimitedMode, 2=PathFollowingExtendedMode, # 3=SafeRampOut, 4-7=NotUsed [0|7] "LatCtlRampType_D_Rq": 0, # 0=Slow, 1=Medium, 2=Fast, 3=Immediate [0|3] "LatCtlPrecision_D_Rq": 1, # 0=Comfortable, 1=Precise, 2/3=NotUsed [0|3] "LatCtlPathOffst_L_Actl": path_offset, # [-5.12|5.11] meter "LatCtlPath_An_Actl": path_angle, # [-0.5|0.5235] radians "LatCtlCurv_No_Actl": curvature, # [-0.02|0.02094] 1/meter "LatCtlCrv_NoRate2_Actl": curvature_rate, # [-0.001024|0.001023] 1/meter^2 "HandsOffCnfm_B_Rq": 0, # 0=Inactive, 1=Active [0|1] "LatCtlPath_No_Cnt": counter, # [0|15] "LatCtlPath_No_Cs": 0, # [0|255] } # calculate checksum dat = packer.make_can_msg("LateralMotionControl2", 0, values)[2] values["LatCtlPath_No_Cs"] = calculate_lat_ctl2_checksum(mode, counter, dat) return packer.make_can_msg("LateralMotionControl2", CAN.main, values)
[docs] def create_acc_msg(packer, CAN: CanBus, long_active: bool, gas: float, accel: float, stopping: bool, v_ego_kph: float): """ Creates a CAN message for the Ford ACC Command. This command can be used to enable ACC, to set the ACC gas/brake/decel values and to disable ACC. Frequency is 50Hz. """ decel = accel < 0 and long_active values = { "AccBrkTot_A_Rq": accel, # Brake total accel request: [-20|11.9449] m/s^2 "Cmbb_B_Enbl": 1 if long_active else 0, # Enabled: 0=No, 1=Yes "AccPrpl_A_Rq": gas, # Acceleration request: [-5|5.23] m/s^2 "AccPrpl_A_Pred": -5.0, # Acceleration request: [-5|5.23] m/s^2 "AccResumEnbl_B_Rq": 1 if long_active else 0, "AccVeh_V_Trg": v_ego_kph, # Target speed: [0|255] km/h # TODO: we may be able to improve braking response by utilizing pre-charging better "AccBrkPrchg_B_Rq": 1 if decel else 0, # Pre-charge brake request: 0=No, 1=Yes "AccBrkDecel_B_Rq": 1 if decel else 0, # Deceleration request: 0=Inactive, 1=Active "AccStopStat_B_Rq": 1 if stopping else 0, } return packer.make_can_msg("ACCDATA", CAN.main, values)
[docs] def create_acc_ui_msg(packer, CAN: CanBus, CP, main_on: bool, enabled: bool, fcw_alert: bool, standstill: bool, hud_control, stock_values: dict): """ Creates a CAN message for the Ford IPC adaptive cruise, forward collision warning and traffic jam assist status. Stock functionality is maintained by passing through unmodified signals. Frequency is 5Hz. """ # Tja_D_Stat if enabled: if hud_control.leftLaneDepart: status = 3 # ActiveInterventionLeft elif hud_control.rightLaneDepart: status = 4 # ActiveInterventionRight else: status = 2 # Active elif main_on: if hud_control.leftLaneDepart: status = 5 # ActiveWarningLeft elif hud_control.rightLaneDepart: status = 6 # ActiveWarningRight else: status = 1 # Standby else: status = 0 # Off values = {s: stock_values[s] for s in [ "HaDsply_No_Cs", "HaDsply_No_Cnt", "AccStopStat_D_Dsply", # ACC stopped status message "AccTrgDist2_D_Dsply", # ACC target distance "AccStopRes_B_Dsply", "TjaWarn_D_Rq", # TJA warning "TjaMsgTxt_D_Dsply", # TJA text "IaccLamp_D_Rq", # iACC status icon "AccMsgTxt_D2_Rq", # ACC text "FcwDeny_B_Dsply", # FCW disabled "FcwMemStat_B_Actl", # FCW enabled setting "AccTGap_B_Dsply", # ACC time gap display setting "CadsAlignIncplt_B_Actl", "AccFllwMde_B_Dsply", # ACC follow mode display setting "CadsRadrBlck_B_Actl", "CmbbPostEvnt_B_Dsply", # AEB event status "AccStopMde_B_Dsply", # ACC stop mode display setting "FcwMemSens_D_Actl", # FCW sensitivity setting "FcwMsgTxt_D_Rq", # FCW text "AccWarn_D_Dsply", # ACC warning "FcwVisblWarn_B_Rq", # FCW visible alert "FcwAudioWarn_B_Rq", # FCW audio alert "AccTGap_D_Dsply", # ACC time gap "AccMemEnbl_B_RqDrv", # ACC adaptive/normal setting "FdaMem_B_Stat", # FDA enabled setting ]} values.update({ "Tja_D_Stat": status, # TJA status }) if CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl: values.update({ "AccStopStat_D_Dsply": 2 if standstill else 0, # Stopping status text "AccMsgTxt_D2_Rq": 0, # ACC text "AccTGap_B_Dsply": 0, # Show time gap control UI "AccFllwMde_B_Dsply": 1 if hud_control.leadVisible else 0, # Lead indicator "AccStopMde_B_Dsply": 1 if standstill else 0, "AccWarn_D_Dsply": 0, # ACC warning "AccTGap_D_Dsply": hud_control.leadDistanceBars, # Time gap }) # Forwards FCW alert from IPMA if fcw_alert: values["FcwVisblWarn_B_Rq"] = 1 # FCW visible alert return packer.make_can_msg("ACCDATA_3", CAN.main, values)
[docs] def create_lkas_ui_msg(packer, CAN: CanBus, main_on: bool, enabled: bool, steer_alert: bool, hud_control, stock_values: dict): """ Creates a CAN message for the Ford IPC IPMA/LKAS status. Show the LKAS status with the "driver assist" lines in the IPC. Stock functionality is maintained by passing through unmodified signals. Frequency is 1Hz. """ # LaActvStats_D_Dsply # R Intvn Warn Supprs Avail No # L # Intvn 24 19 14 9 4 # Warn 23 18 13 8 3 # Supprs 22 17 12 7 2 # Avail 21 16 11 6 1 # No 20 15 10 5 0 # # TODO: test suppress state if enabled: lines = 0 # NoLeft_NoRight if hud_control.leftLaneDepart: lines += 4 elif hud_control.leftLaneVisible: lines += 1 if hud_control.rightLaneDepart: lines += 20 elif hud_control.rightLaneVisible: lines += 5 elif main_on: lines = 0 else: if hud_control.leftLaneDepart: lines = 3 # WarnLeft_NoRight elif hud_control.rightLaneDepart: lines = 15 # NoLeft_WarnRight else: lines = 30 # LA_Off hands_on_wheel_dsply = 1 if steer_alert else 0 values = {s: stock_values[s] for s in [ "FeatConfigIpmaActl", "FeatNoIpmaActl", "PersIndexIpma_D_Actl", "AhbcRampingV_D_Rq", # AHB ramping "LaDenyStats_B_Dsply", # LKAS error "CamraDefog_B_Req", # Windshield heater? "CamraStats_D_Dsply", # Camera status "DasAlrtLvl_D_Dsply", # DAS alert level "DasStats_D_Dsply", # DAS status "DasWarn_D_Dsply", # DAS warning "AhbHiBeam_D_Rq", # AHB status "Passthru_63", "Passthru_48", ]} values.update({ "LaActvStats_D_Dsply": lines, # LKAS status (lines) [0|31] "LaHandsOff_D_Dsply": hands_on_wheel_dsply, # 0=HandsOn, 1=Level1 (w/o chime), 2=Level2 (w/ chime), 3=Suppressed }) return packer.make_can_msg("IPMA_Data", CAN.main, values)
[docs] def create_button_msg(packer, bus: int, stock_values: dict, cancel=False, resume=False, tja_toggle=False): """ Creates a CAN message for the Ford SCCM buttons/switches. Includes cruise control buttons, turn lights and more. Frequency is 10Hz. """ values = {s: stock_values[s] for s in [ "HeadLghtHiFlash_D_Stat", # SCCM Passthrough the remaining buttons "TurnLghtSwtch_D_Stat", # SCCM Turn signal switch "WiprFront_D_Stat", "LghtAmb_D_Sns", "AccButtnGapDecPress", "AccButtnGapIncPress", "AslButtnOnOffCnclPress", "AslButtnOnOffPress", "LaSwtchPos_D_Stat", "CcAslButtnCnclResPress", "CcAslButtnDeny_B_Actl", "CcAslButtnIndxDecPress", "CcAslButtnIndxIncPress", "CcAslButtnOffCnclPress", "CcAslButtnOnOffCncl", "CcAslButtnOnPress", "CcAslButtnResDecPress", "CcAslButtnResIncPress", "CcAslButtnSetDecPress", "CcAslButtnSetIncPress", "CcAslButtnSetPress", "CcButtnOffPress", "CcButtnOnOffCnclPress", "CcButtnOnOffPress", "CcButtnOnPress", "HeadLghtHiFlash_D_Actl", "HeadLghtHiOn_B_StatAhb", "AhbStat_B_Dsply", "AccButtnGapTogglePress", "WiprFrontSwtch_D_Stat", "HeadLghtHiCtrl_D_RqAhb", ]} values.update({ "CcAslButtnCnclPress": 1 if cancel else 0, # CC cancel button "CcAsllButtnResPress": 1 if resume else 0, # CC resume button "TjaButtnOnOffPress": 1 if tja_toggle else 0, # LCA/TJA toggle button }) return packer.make_can_msg("Steering_Data_FD1", bus, values)