Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from hypothesis import settings, given, strategies as st
import unittest

from cereal import car
from import build_fw_dict
from import FW_VERSIONS

Ecu = car.CarParams.Ecu
ECU_NAME = {v: k for k, v in Ecu.schema.enumerants.items()}

# Some platforms have date codes in a different format we don't yet parse (or are missing).
# For now, assert list of expected missing date cars
  # CAN FD
  # CAN

CANFD_EXPECTED_ECUS = {Ecu.fwdCamera, Ecu.fwdRadar}

[docs] class TestHyundaiFingerprint(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_can_features(self): # Test no EV/HEV in any gear lists (should all use ELECT_GEAR) self.assertEqual(set.union(*CAN_GEARS.values()) & (HYBRID_CAR | EV_CAR), set()) # Test CAN FD car not in CAN feature lists can_specific_feature_list = set.union(*CAN_GEARS.values(), *CHECKSUM.values(), LEGACY_SAFETY_MODE_CAR, UNSUPPORTED_LONGITUDINAL_CAR, CAMERA_SCC_CAR) for car_model in CANFD_CAR: self.assertNotIn(car_model, can_specific_feature_list, "CAN FD car unexpectedly found in a CAN feature list")
[docs] def test_hybrid_ev_sets(self): self.assertEqual(HYBRID_CAR & EV_CAR, set(), "Shared cars between hybrid and EV") self.assertEqual(CANFD_CAR & HYBRID_CAR, set(), "Hard coding CAN FD cars as hybrid is no longer supported")
[docs] def test_canfd_ecu_whitelist(self): # Asserts only expected Ecus can exist in database for CAN-FD cars for car_model in CANFD_CAR: ecus = {fw[0] for fw in FW_VERSIONS[car_model].keys()} ecus_not_in_whitelist = ecus - CANFD_EXPECTED_ECUS ecu_strings = ", ".join([f"Ecu.{ECU_NAME[ecu]}" for ecu in ecus_not_in_whitelist]) self.assertEqual(len(ecus_not_in_whitelist), 0, f"{car_model}: Car model has unexpected ECUs: {ecu_strings}")
[docs] def test_blacklisted_parts(self): # Asserts no ECUs known to be shared across platforms exist in the database. # Tucson having Santa Cruz camera and EPS for example for car_model, ecus in FW_VERSIONS.items(): with self.subTest(car_model=car_model.value): if car_model == CAR.HYUNDAI_SANTA_CRUZ_1ST_GEN: raise unittest.SkipTest("Skip checking Santa Cruz for its parts") for code, _ in get_platform_codes(ecus[(Ecu.fwdCamera, 0x7c4, None)]): if b"-" not in code: continue part = code.split(b"-")[1] self.assertFalse(part.startswith(b'CW'), "Car has bad part number")
[docs] def test_correct_ecu_response_database(self): """ Assert standard responses for certain ECUs, since they can respond to multiple queries with different data """ expected_fw_prefix = HYUNDAI_VERSION_REQUEST_LONG[1:] for car_model, ecus in FW_VERSIONS.items(): with self.subTest(car_model=car_model.value): for ecu, fws in ecus.items(): self.assertTrue(all(fw.startswith(expected_fw_prefix) for fw in fws), f"FW from unexpected request in database: {(ecu, fws)}")
[docs] @settings(max_examples=100) @given( def test_platform_codes_fuzzy_fw(self, data): """Ensure function doesn't raise an exception""" fw_strategy = st.lists(st.binary()) fws = data.draw(fw_strategy) get_platform_codes(fws)
[docs] def test_expected_platform_codes(self): # Ensures we don't accidentally add multiple platform codes for a car unless it is intentional for car_model, ecus in FW_VERSIONS.items(): with self.subTest(car_model=car_model.value): for ecu, fws in ecus.items(): if ecu[0] not in PLATFORM_CODE_ECUS: continue # Third and fourth character are usually EV/hybrid identifiers codes = {code.split(b"-")[0][:2] for code, _ in get_platform_codes(fws)} if car_model == CAR.HYUNDAI_PALISADE: self.assertEqual(codes, {b"LX", b"ON"}, f"Car has unexpected platform codes: {car_model} {codes}") elif car_model == CAR.HYUNDAI_KONA_EV and ecu[0] == Ecu.fwdCamera: self.assertEqual(codes, {b"OE", b"OS"}, f"Car has unexpected platform codes: {car_model} {codes}") else: self.assertEqual(len(codes), 1, f"Car has multiple platform codes: {car_model} {codes}")
# Tests for platform codes, part numbers, and FW dates which Hyundai will use to fuzzy # fingerprint in the absence of full FW matches:
[docs] def test_platform_code_ecus_available(self): # TODO: add queries for these non-CAN FD cars to get EPS no_eps_platforms = CANFD_CAR | {CAR.KIA_SORENTO, CAR.KIA_OPTIMA_G4, CAR.KIA_OPTIMA_G4_FL, CAR.KIA_OPTIMA_H, CAR.KIA_OPTIMA_H_G4_FL, CAR.HYUNDAI_SONATA_LF, CAR.HYUNDAI_TUCSON, CAR.GENESIS_G90, CAR.GENESIS_G80, CAR.HYUNDAI_ELANTRA} # Asserts ECU keys essential for fuzzy fingerprinting are available on all platforms for car_model, ecus in FW_VERSIONS.items(): with self.subTest(car_model=car_model.value): for platform_code_ecu in PLATFORM_CODE_ECUS: if platform_code_ecu in (Ecu.fwdRadar, Ecu.eps) and car_model == CAR.HYUNDAI_GENESIS: continue if platform_code_ecu == Ecu.eps and car_model in no_eps_platforms: continue self.assertIn(platform_code_ecu, [e[0] for e in ecus])
[docs] def test_fw_format(self): # Asserts: # - every supported ECU FW version returns one platform code # - every supported ECU FW version has a part number # - expected parsing of ECU FW dates for car_model, ecus in FW_VERSIONS.items(): with self.subTest(car_model=car_model.value): for ecu, fws in ecus.items(): if ecu[0] not in PLATFORM_CODE_ECUS: continue codes = set() for fw in fws: result = get_platform_codes([fw]) self.assertEqual(1, len(result), f"Unable to parse FW: {fw}") codes |= result if ecu[0] not in DATE_FW_ECUS or car_model in NO_DATES_PLATFORMS: self.assertTrue(all(date is None for _, date in codes)) else: self.assertTrue(all(date is not None for _, date in codes)) if car_model == CAR.HYUNDAI_GENESIS: raise unittest.SkipTest("No part numbers for car model") # Hyundai places the ECU part number in their FW versions, assert all parsable # Some examples of valid formats: b"56310-L0010", b"56310L0010", b"56310/M6300" self.assertTrue(all(b"-" in code for code, _ in codes), f"FW does not have part number: {fw}")
[docs] def test_platform_codes_spot_check(self): # Asserts basic platform code parsing behavior for a few cases results = get_platform_codes([b"\xf1\x00DH LKAS 1.1 -150210"]) self.assertEqual(results, {(b"DH", b"150210")}) # Some cameras and all radars do not have dates results = get_platform_codes([b"\xf1\x00AEhe SCC H-CUP 1.01 1.01 96400-G2000 "]) self.assertEqual(results, {(b"AEhe-G2000", None)}) results = get_platform_codes([b"\xf1\x00CV1_ RDR ----- 1.00 1.01 99110-CV000 "]) self.assertEqual(results, {(b"CV1-CV000", None)}) results = get_platform_codes([ b"\xf1\x00DH LKAS 1.1 -150210", b"\xf1\x00AEhe SCC H-CUP 1.01 1.01 96400-G2000 ", b"\xf1\x00CV1_ RDR ----- 1.00 1.01 99110-CV000 ", ]) self.assertEqual(results, {(b"DH", b"150210"), (b"AEhe-G2000", None), (b"CV1-CV000", None)}) results = get_platform_codes([ b"\xf1\x00LX2 MFC AT USA LHD 1.00 1.07 99211-S8100 220222", b"\xf1\x00LX2 MFC AT USA LHD 1.00 1.08 99211-S8100 211103", b"\xf1\x00ON MFC AT USA LHD 1.00 1.01 99211-S9100 190405", b"\xf1\x00ON MFC AT USA LHD 1.00 1.03 99211-S9100 190720", ]) self.assertEqual(results, {(b"LX2-S8100", b"220222"), (b"LX2-S8100", b"211103"), (b"ON-S9100", b"190405"), (b"ON-S9100", b"190720")})
[docs] def test_fuzzy_excluded_platforms(self): # Asserts a list of platforms that will not fuzzy fingerprint with platform codes due to them being shared. # This list can be shrunk as we combine platforms and detect features excluded_platforms = { CAR.GENESIS_G70, # shared platform code, part number, and date CAR.GENESIS_G70_2020, } excluded_platforms |= CANFD_CAR - EV_CAR - CANFD_FUZZY_WHITELIST # shared platform codes excluded_platforms |= NO_DATES_PLATFORMS # date codes are required to match platforms_with_shared_codes = set() for platform, fw_by_addr in FW_VERSIONS.items(): car_fw = [] for ecu, fw_versions in fw_by_addr.items(): ecu_name, addr, sub_addr = ecu for fw in fw_versions: car_fw.append({"ecu": ecu_name, "fwVersion": fw, "address": addr, "subAddress": 0 if sub_addr is None else sub_addr}) CP = car.CarParams.new_message(carFw=car_fw) matches = FW_QUERY_CONFIG.match_fw_to_car_fuzzy(build_fw_dict(CP.carFw), CP.carVin, FW_VERSIONS) if len(matches) == 1: self.assertEqual(list(matches)[0], platform) else: platforms_with_shared_codes.add(platform) self.assertEqual(platforms_with_shared_codes, excluded_platforms)
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()