Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import math
import unittest
import hypothesis.strategies as st
from hypothesis import Phase, given, settings
import importlib
from parameterized import parameterized

from cereal import car, messaging
from openpilot.common.realtime import DT_CTRL
from import gen_empty_fingerprint
from import interfaces
from import all_known_cars
from import FW_VERSIONS
from import get_interface_attr
from openpilot.selfdrive.controls.lib.latcontrol_angle import LatControlAngle
from openpilot.selfdrive.controls.lib.latcontrol_pid import LatControlPID
from openpilot.selfdrive.controls.lib.latcontrol_torque import LatControlTorque
from openpilot.selfdrive.controls.lib.longcontrol import LongControl
from openpilot.selfdrive.test.fuzzy_generation import DrawType, FuzzyGenerator

ALL_ECUS = list({ecu for ecus in FW_VERSIONS.values() for ecu in ecus.keys()})

MAX_EXAMPLES = int(os.environ.get('MAX_EXAMPLES', '40'))

[docs] def get_fuzzy_car_interface_args(draw: DrawType) -> dict: # Fuzzy CAN fingerprints and FW versions to test more states of the CarInterface fingerprint_strategy = st.fixed_dictionaries({key: st.dictionaries(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=0x800), st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=64)) for key in gen_empty_fingerprint()}) # only pick from possible ecus to reduce search space car_fw_strategy = st.lists(st.sampled_from(ALL_ECUS)) params_strategy = st.fixed_dictionaries({ 'fingerprints': fingerprint_strategy, 'car_fw': car_fw_strategy, 'experimental_long': st.booleans(), }) params: dict = draw(params_strategy) params['car_fw'] = [car.CarParams.CarFw(ecu=fw[0], address=fw[1], subAddress=fw[2] or 0) for fw in params['car_fw']] return params
[docs] class TestCarInterfaces(unittest.TestCase): # FIXME: Due to the lists used in carParams, is very slow and will cause # many generated examples to overrun when max_examples > ~20, don't use it @parameterized.expand([(car,) for car in sorted(all_known_cars())]) @settings(max_examples=MAX_EXAMPLES, deadline=None, phases=(Phase.reuse, Phase.generate, Phase.shrink)) @given( def test_car_interfaces(self, car_name, data): CarInterface, CarController, CarState = interfaces[car_name] args = get_fuzzy_car_interface_args(data.draw) car_params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name, args['fingerprints'], args['car_fw'], experimental_long=args['experimental_long'], docs=False) car_interface = CarInterface(car_params, CarController, CarState) assert car_params assert car_interface self.assertGreater(car_params.mass, 1) self.assertGreater(car_params.wheelbase, 0) # centerToFront is center of gravity to front wheels, assert a reasonable range self.assertTrue(car_params.wheelbase * 0.3 < car_params.centerToFront < car_params.wheelbase * 0.7) self.assertGreater(car_params.maxLateralAccel, 0) # Longitudinal sanity checks self.assertEqual(len(car_params.longitudinalTuning.kpV), len(car_params.longitudinalTuning.kpBP)) self.assertEqual(len(car_params.longitudinalTuning.kiV), len(car_params.longitudinalTuning.kiBP)) self.assertEqual(len(car_params.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV), len(car_params.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP)) # Lateral sanity checks if car_params.steerControlType != car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle: tune = car_params.lateralTuning if tune.which() == 'pid': self.assertTrue(not math.isnan( and > 0) self.assertTrue(len( > 0 and len( == len( self.assertTrue(len( > 0 and len( == len( elif tune.which() == 'torque': self.assertTrue(not math.isnan(tune.torque.kf) and tune.torque.kf > 0) self.assertTrue(not math.isnan(tune.torque.friction) and tune.torque.friction > 0) cc_msg = FuzzyGenerator.get_random_msg(data.draw, car.CarControl, real_floats=True) # Run car interface now_nanos = 0 CC = car.CarControl.new_message(**cc_msg) for _ in range(10): car_interface.update(CC, []) car_interface.apply(CC, now_nanos) car_interface.apply(CC, now_nanos) now_nanos += DT_CTRL * 1e9 # 10 ms CC = car.CarControl.new_message(**cc_msg) CC.enabled = True for _ in range(10): car_interface.update(CC, []) car_interface.apply(CC, now_nanos) car_interface.apply(CC, now_nanos) now_nanos += DT_CTRL * 1e9 # 10ms # Test controller initialization # TODO: wait until card refactor is merged to run controller a few times, # hypothesis also slows down significantly with just one more message draw LongControl(car_params) if car_params.steerControlType == car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle: LatControlAngle(car_params, car_interface) elif car_params.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid': LatControlPID(car_params, car_interface) elif car_params.lateralTuning.which() == 'torque': LatControlTorque(car_params, car_interface) # Test radar interface RadarInterface = importlib.import_module(f'{car_params.carName}.radar_interface').RadarInterface radar_interface = RadarInterface(car_params) assert radar_interface # Run radar interface once radar_interface.update([]) if not car_params.radarUnavailable and radar_interface.rcp is not None and \ hasattr(radar_interface, '_update') and hasattr(radar_interface, 'trigger_msg'): radar_interface._update([radar_interface.trigger_msg]) # Test radar fault if not car_params.radarUnavailable and radar_interface.rcp is not None: cans = [messaging.new_message('can', 1).to_bytes() for _ in range(5)] rr = radar_interface.update(cans) self.assertTrue(rr is None or len(rr.errors) > 0)
[docs] def test_interface_attrs(self): """Asserts basic behavior of interface attribute getter""" num_brands = len(get_interface_attr('CAR')) self.assertGreaterEqual(num_brands, 13) # Should return value for all brands when not combining, even if attribute doesn't exist ret = get_interface_attr('FAKE_ATTR') self.assertEqual(len(ret), num_brands) # Make sure we can combine dicts ret = get_interface_attr('DBC', combine_brands=True) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(ret), 160) # We don't support combining non-dicts ret = get_interface_attr('CAR', combine_brands=True) self.assertEqual(len(ret), 0) # If brand has None value, it shouldn't return when ignore_none=True is specified none_brands = {b for b, v in get_interface_attr('FINGERPRINTS').items() if v is None} self.assertGreaterEqual(len(none_brands), 1) ret = get_interface_attr('FINGERPRINTS', ignore_none=True) none_brands_in_ret = none_brands.intersection(ret) self.assertEqual(len(none_brands_in_ret), 0, f'Brands with None values in ignore_none=True result: {none_brands_in_ret}')
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()